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Crazy Liberal Actress Sent Obama Ricin Letters

A crazy liberal actress thought it would be ingenious to kill two birds with one stone- get an insta-divorce and also smear 2nd Amendment Tea Party types by sending ricin-laced letters to President Obama and NYC Mayor Bloomberg. Her idea was to frame her husband- a military Vet- for the crime. Things didn’t go according to plan mostly because this bitch is crazy and stupid.

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From ABC here:

Shannon Richardson had been married to her husband less than two years when she went to authorities and told them her suspicions: He was the one who had mailed ricin-laced letters to President Barack Obama and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg threatening violence against gun-control advocates.

When investigators looked closer, they reached a different conclusion: It was the 35-year-old pregnant actress who had sent the letters, and she tried to frame her estranged husband in a bizarre case of marital conflict crossing with bioterrorism.

Richardson, a mother of five who has played bit roles on television and in movies, was arrested and charged with mailing a threatening communication to the president. The federal charge carries up to 10 years in prison.

Richardson contacted authorities on May 30 and implicated her husband, Nathaniel Richardson. She described finding small, brown beans with white speckles — a description matching the key ingredient in ricin, castor beans — at the couple’s home in New Boston, Texas. She also told investigators that she had found a sticky note on her husband’s desk with addresses for Bloomberg and Obama.

But she later failed a polygraph test, the document said, and investigators looking into her story found numerous inconsistencies. Among them: Nathaniel Richardson would have been at work when Internet searches tied to the letters were made on the couple’s laptop and when the envelopes containing the letters were postmarked.

Finally, in an interview with authorities on Thursday, Shannon Richardson admitted that she had received syringes and lye — a caustic chemical used in making ricin — in the mail; that she had printed the labels for the letters; and that she mailed them. However, she insisted her husband typed them and “made her” print and send them.

Okay, this guy is now going to win every contest for who has the craziest ex-girlfriend. Plus, she has five kids and only got married to this guy two years ago and she goes to these bizarre lengths to get out of the relationship? She should have just had one of those “We need to talk” conversations.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Crazy Liberal Actress Sent Obama Ricin Letters

  • Ronald Fingers

    What makes her a “Liberal”? You did not provide one shred of evidence that she has liberal leanings. I am sure that you base this entirely off of the “fact” that you believe all actors/actresses are liberal. Well, what about Charlton Hestion, Jon Voight, Ronald Reagan, Clint Eastwood, Chuck Norris, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Swarzenegger. The list goes on. So quit trying to exaggerate things to bash liberals, when you have absolutely no basis for those statements.

  • She voted for Obama and tried to frame the Tea Party by committing an act of terrorism. This is what leftists do.

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