
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Ellen Page Cut Off Her Tits

The diminutive actress Ellen Page cut off her tits. She paid real money to a doctor to do this. When the Doc asked are you sure, she replied, “Oh absolutely! I want those tits sitting in the garbage dump!” At least that’s the way I imagine that whacky conversation went. But when Jordan Peterson, the acclaimed modern philosopher from Canada said the same thing, he was banned from Twitter for it. You can see the video below, provided Youtube doesn’t take it down.

There is a massive shift happening in the culture of America. The past month proves it. No more will people just allow words to be banned. No more restrictions on the freedom to bear and own arms. You can pray openly, even in a school. And abortion regulations at a Federal level are now a thing of the past. People are pushing back everywhere against insane censorship for stating true things like the fact that Ellen Page cut off her tits. People are tired of so-called Pride events where gays and lesbians attempt to groom children into committing self mutilation and sterilization.

That Overton Window that has been opening wider and wider for the past 30 years is now, seemingly, slamming shut. Be careful that you don’t get your fingers smashed by that window.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Ellen Page Cut Off Her Tits

  • Also, her so-called “transition” ruined the storyline of the Umbrella Academy. The series was always tenuous and barely watchable, and now it’s just garbage. If only Ellen Page had seen a shrink and kept her tits. Oh well.

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