
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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Dan Riehl Drops Dox on Jessie “Gryphen” Griffin

Annoyed that Gryphen of Alaskan Blog ImmoralMinority kept making up stuff about Sarah Palin, including spreading rumors that she was getting a divorce, which is why she had quit the Governor’s office, blogger Dan Riehl and freelance journalist RS McCain outed Gryphen by dropping dox on his ass.

Dan links to Jessie Griffin’s Myspace page and informs readers that this blogger, who is a kindergarten teacher, has written that he will force the boys he teaches to wear dresses so they somehow won’t get drafted to fight in Iraq.

Jesse Griffin, when discussing a possible military draft, wrote:

Quick hide your children! They are getting ready to feed them into Vietraq’s bottomless pit of death and destruction.

I am teaching my boys to wear dresses and swish when they walk because being ignorant or drug addicted is no longer a guarantee of being passed over. If your not willing to suck cock then pack up your going to Iraq! Posted by Gryphen at 7:34 AM

This addled 49-year-old moonbat is an assistant kindergarten teacher. Just one more reason to homeschool.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

7 thoughts on “Dan Riehl Drops Dox on Jessie “Gryphen” Griffin

  • Just when I thought I knew what I was doing on the net… you “drop” a phrase that I have to follow the link to figure out… I’m such a friggin’ noob (or is that too; now “old school” and… in fact… “old school” isn’t friggin’ hip now either…) Where’s my geritol!

  • Latest news is that this idiot was fired from his “assistant to the kindergarten teacher” position. He could flip burgers I guess.

  • Excellent! I can see it now… “would you like a hot apple pie with that?” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA-HHHHHHAAA-HA-hUH-hUH-AHhhhhhh-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  • AlaskanInfidel

    The punks whinin’ about gettin’ nasty emails.
    Feed him fish heads.

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