
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimefailStupid People

Darrell Dunafon And His Shocking Thrill-Seeking

Darrell Dunafon was a dumbass. He was an adrenaline junkie always looking for the next big thrill. What could be more thrilling than illegally breaking onto private property in the middle of the night to scale a 400 foot cellphone tower? Maybe jumping off?

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Probably not as thrilling as getting your chute tangled in those high-tension high-voltage powerlines. Shocker, he’s dead.

From Suntimes here:

A Tucson man has died after parachuting from a cell phone tower at night and hitting high-voltage power lines.

Pinal County sheriff’s Lt. Tamatha Villar says 23-year-old Darrell Dunafon and two friends broke into a cell tower site about 30 miles south of Phoenix on Friday night and were parachuting off the approximately 400-foot-tall antennae.

Dunafon’s parachute became tangled in nearby 12,000-volt power lines and he was shocked with a live wire.

Villar says the two friends called for help, and rescue crews turned off the power and cut Dunafon down.

I wonder if the workers who cut this dumbass down got paid overtime for being woken in the middle of the night?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

64 thoughts on “Darrell Dunafon And His Shocking Thrill-Seeking

  • 78RATS

    hey “pat” i would really like to meet you in person. just say where.

  • Only base I’ll be jumping off of is your Mom, 78rats. Meet me at your Mom’s house doofus.

  • 78RATS

    exactly what i expected from a hollow heart.

  • proudsista

    You Mr. Pat can stock it where the sun don’t shine. You have no right! I would like to know where you get off making statements of this magnitude about a man loved by many; a brother, son, uncle, nephew n friend among many. Did you even know him?

  • proudsista

    My apologies for the grammar mistake. I meant you can stick it where the sun don’t shine.

    Oh n Pat who are you to judge? ” Let thou who has not sinned throw the first stone. “

  • Proudcist,
    You don’t have to “know” someone to understand that whay they do is dangerous, stupid and in Darrell’s case, criminal. And the ability to make judgements is a god-given ability and only retards choose to ignore their better judgement.

    If his oh-so-loving family cared so much about Darrell maybe they would have exercised some judgement and told him to stop jumping off of buildings. If no one stood up to him and told him he was stupid then they can hardly act surprised that he fried his dumb ass in power lines committing an illegal act.

  • Pat,
    I think you should be very thankful that knowing how to type and having a total lack of decency is not illegal…surely you would be behind bars.
    I will not argue the danger involved with Darrell’s actions. He had a record of doing “Dangerous” things. Like joining the Army and going to Iraq and losing a couple of fingers during a firefight…..thats pretty dangerous. He went to another country and fought for your country and freedom of speech….that is ironic. Of course you would not have known that since you did not have the pleasure of knowing him and are only interested in calling out a dead man. Who by the way will never see this exchange of words. Only those that are looking to attend his memorial or curious family and friends making a google search will see your prolific postings on this wonderful website.
    Yes he did die doing something that was questionable however your comments are less acceptable. He paid for his actions and so will you at some point so maybe you should throttle back a little here and let things lie. Karma can be rough.

  • Hey Az51, let’s clear up a few of your mistakes here-

    First, Darrell didn’t die doing something “questionable.” It was illegal. I’m not sure why you would question the legality of it.

    He also endangered the lives of his friends who were also dumbasses for tagging along and not stopping him. He also endangered the lives of the workers who had to cut his fried, twitchy ass down out of those power lines.

    I knew he served his country. good for him. But he would have lost his security clearance and wound up in jail had he tried this stunt while he was still in the service.

    Karma is a bitch ain’t it? Like the way karma causes people to die when their friends don’t stop him from doing something stupid? Or maybe the way karma causes dumbasses to die who commit crimes on public utility towers?

    I don’t think comments are more objectionable than killing yourself with fire and lightning.

  • You are right….hope you have a good life.

  • Relative

    Pat, In spite of the last decision Darrell ever made in his life being illegal, it was his decision. He now owns that decision. Why are you so ugly and full of hate? You need to look in the mirror and see if that reflection is someone you are proud of. I don’t see how you can be. Please seek mental help for your ugly outlook. I am sure you have made mistakes in your life. Like turning on your computer. Do you have people in your life that you try and control? If so they won’t stick around you very long. What is left here since you can’t hurt Darrell, is a huge following of loved ones. Is that whom you wish to hurt with your hateful words? Ever wonder who will be at your funeral?

  • So no one “tried to control” Darrell and you are proud of that fact? is it a consolation?

    Most people have boundaries, and those boundaries are what keep people safe and alive. If enforcing boundaries is what you call ‘control’ then fine. My loved ones will last longer than 23 years. That “no jumping into powerlines from a tower in the dark” is a pretty solid boundary. And not a hard one to enforce.

  • boomslang

    Anger is never without Reason, but seldom with a good One.

  • Relative

    Pat, He was an adult, freely making his own decisions, right or wrong. I sincerely hope you never lose a loved one because he made a mistake and broke the law. You must not have ever lost a loved one. Do you somehow think it takes the pain away from those of us that are grieving because he caused his own death? Try and have some compassion for those of us he left. You must not know about the three C’s of being a healthy adult. Are you co-dependant or an just a controlling alcoholic? We don’t own other people’s decisions. Yes, we are saddened by them, broken hearted by them, but that is all part of life. You are very high up on your pedestal about this. You must be perfect. Let me get this right, you are angry at those of us that remain for Darrell’s last decision? You are holding us all accountable for an adult’s behavior? Look up the 3 c’s. And while you are at it grab a Bible too. I will ask you to not cast stones as those of us left here in grief. Please look into your heart and try and see how we are all feeling. Perhaps you didn’t mean to attract his family on here and were just venting about another senseless death of a young person gone too soon due to a mistake? Because that is what happened. A mistake that cost him his life and all of us a dearly loved young man.

  • Relative,
    I don’t know how you sensed anger or any other emotion in me, but I think you are projecting at this point. I feel nothing for Darrell other than pity for his reckless and stupid behavior.

    I grabbed my bible. It tells me that “By their fruits ye shall know them” and if it looks like a bad seed and acts like a bad seed, maybe its a bad seed.

    I’m not perfect. I just don’t jump off of cellphone towers to my sizzling death. And I listen to family and friends that offer advice on anything dangerous or deadly that I attempt.

  • Relative

    Well good for you then. You listen, you are coachable. How very lucky for your parents. What are you, about 12? You are obviously not a parent or you would quit your little blame and shame game. Quit making your snide remarks about a sizzling death. You are not funny, you are mean.

  • isthisupat?

    Patrick Belcher

  • Coachable? Too bad the same couldn’t be said about Darrell.

  • I know it is hard not be upset at “Pat”(Patrick Belcher?) and his opinions/words…perhaps it is best we no longer respond. Even negative attention is good in his type of website biz…

  • proudsista

    Pat just lay off. Your posting guidelines say this is a designed to be a family site. Would you say that this coinsides with those values? I would say not, if you have any respect for the value of life you will remove this post and leave Darrell Dunafon to rest in peace.

  • proudsista

    And I’m sorry Pat regardless of what choice you make from here I would like to actract you to the facts your facebook fan page for a page created in 1997 has 21 fans where as the page created for Darrell Dunafon since his death to pronounce how much he will be missed and how much he is loved created on Dec 5th (5 days ago) has 215 members. Yes sir the facts dont lie do they. Jealousy is an ugly green monster I suggest you try to shake it and do the right thing man…. And perhaps a prayer for your redemption would be a good idea while you at it.

    God bless~

  • You should become a fan of this page. I’m already a member of the Darrell Dunafon facebook memorial page, and there will much fresher content on my page.

  • proudsista

    I wouldn’t dare support the works of an insensitive, disrespectful individual as yourself. You would be lucky to be as successful, loved and happy as Darrell “Buddy” Dunafon was.

  • If dangling from high-voltage wires is your definition of “success” then you need a new dictionary.

  • proudsista

    Since when do define a mans success by his death rather than the legacy he leave at his death? Your life perspective is very twisted. I am done wayinh my time with your non sense.

  • proudsista

    I am done WASTING my time with your non sense!

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