
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Finally, Sustainable Energy We Can Believe In

The word “sustainability” is a buzzword that is well loved by leftists who have fantasies that they can somehow live in absolute harmony with the world around them. They want a self-renewing food supply. Sustainable building materials and energy. Well, I think Sweden has something going that makes sustainable energy as cheap as a roll of chicken wire and a crate of lettuce.

From TheLocal.SE here:

The bodies of thousands of rabbits culled every year from the parks in Stockholm are being used to fuel a heating plant in central Sweden.

The decision to use Stockholm’s rabbit cadavers as bioenergy to warm Swedes living in Värmland doesn’t sit well with Stockholm-based animal rights activists.

Every year, the city of Stockholm kills off thousands of rabbits in an effort to protect trees and shrubbery in the city’s extensive network of parks and green space.

Animal control authorities employ a special rifle to shoot the excess rabbits, with most of the culling taking place at dawn when the animals peek out from their holes.

But rather than simply disposing of the dead rabbits, the city instead froze them for eventual transport to a special heating plant in Karlskoga in central Sweden, where the bunny bodies are then burned as a form of bioenergy.

So I wonder how many bunnies it would take to heat my home all winter? I could pen them in my garage with chicken wire and feed them lettuce, and they multiply so fast they would be “sustainable.” I know, you are saying, “But Pat! That’s horrible! How can you keep a crate of lettuce fresh long enough to fatten up enough bunnies to grind into biofuel? The answer is Debbie Meyer Greenbags, of course! And this article makes Miriam Sakewicz’s head explode.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Finally, Sustainable Energy We Can Believe In

  • Hmmmmmm, I wonder how many BTU’s one of those things give off… I can hear it now when the wife gets home from work “Honey? Are you cooking something?”.

    “No Sushine. Just keepin’ the Chalet warm and toasty”

  • Hmmmmmm, I wonder how many BTU’s one of those things give off… I can hear it now when the wife gets home from work “Honey? Are you cooking something?”.

    “No Sunshine. Just keepin’ the Chalet warm and toasty”

  • Kramer

    Throw some spices in there with the meat. Make the whole town smell better!!

    And Pat, that’s awful. Really? You’re going to tell us you’re going to waste money thinking you can keep lettuce that long? Geez.

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