
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeHumorObamaracismStupid People

Burlington Coat Factory Trashed Because Things Aren’t Free in the Ghetto

A woman in a leopard print suit, a stretch Hummer limousine, and promises of giveaways brought inner city wrath raining down upon an unsuspecting Burlington Coat Factory in Columbus Ohio. The woman claimed she had won the lotto and was going to give everyone in the store 500 bucks of free merchandise, so “Call your family! Call your friends!” At the end of the day when the woman had left and no one got anything for free, the crowd of blacks turned angry and destroyed merchandise and damaged the property.

From 10tv here:

Hundreds of people were left disappointed Tuesday after a woman who claimed she won the lottery promised to return to a clothing store and spend her winnings on all the customers.

The woman said she won $500,000 and wanted to buy clothes for customers at the east side Burlington Coat Factory, 10TV News reported.

“I said, ‘Are you sure?’ said Carol Hubbard, who was inside the store. “I said, ‘I can’t pay you for this,’ and she said, ‘Honey, I’ve got $1.5 million and I have been used all of my life and mostly by my family members and this is just my turn to give back.'”

The woman then announced to the store that she was returning to the bank to secure more cash but by 3 p.m., police announced that the shopping spree was over and turned the crowds away.

The store closed early so that workers could clean up. Some shoppers said they had carts filled with merchandise. When shoppers learned the merchandise would not be paid for, some customers trashed the store.

The management of the store should have put a stop to this. But having attempted to shop at Burlington once or twice, I am surprised that any rampaging crowd could actually do any damage to the store. Maybe about 40 bucks in improvements, but damage?

I wonder if black people will rampage when Obama fails to deliver on all of his free money promises?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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