
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeStupid People

Megan Williams’ Stupidity and Hate Crimes

I am very suspicious about the so-called hate crime story regarding the Logan County West Virginia group of white folk that supposedly kidnapped a black girl. 

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As the story relates it, these white folk raped the girl over and over while calling her a nigger.  And they made her eat rat droppings. 

Scene of a hate crime?  Or Megan Williams’ Love Shack?

The press, completely disappointed that the whole Duke Lacrosse hate crime story unravelled, have creamed their collective jeans in celebration of this new story.  The liberal press loves nothing more than a good hate crime.

But the story is already starting to unravel a little bit.  At first, Megan Williams was portrayed as a random victim, dragged off the street by beer-drinking racists and their hillbilly Mom.  Now it turns out that she was dating the man who lived there, Bobby Brewster.

When first reported, Megan had multiple stab wounds, and might not live.  Now instead of stab wounds, she has a cut on her ankle.

From the AP here:

Authorities say they held a 20-year-old black woman for about a week at their mobile home, where she was tortured, sexually assaulted and forced to eat rat droppings.

Megan Williams’ captors, who were white, choked her with a cable cord, stabbed her in the leg while calling her a racial slur, poured hot water over her, made her drink from a toilet and beat her, according to criminal complaints.

State authorities said Wednesday they would not to pursue hate crime charges because the other charges the suspects face carry stiffer penalties. But federal civil rights violations remain an option, U.S. Attorney Charles T. Miller said.

It wasn’t until an anonymous tip led Logan County sheriff’s deputies to the property on Saturday that Megan Williams’ ordeal ended. She was not a random target and had had a “social relationship” with one of the suspects, Logan County Prosecutor Brian Abraham said.

Megan Williams remained hospitalized Wednesday in Charleston. 

Bobby Brewster faces domestic battery and assault charges after a dispute involving Megan Williams in July.

The story is difficult to pick through, with all of the hand wringing over the possibility of a hate crime, but the fact is that Megan Williams and Bobby Brewster were dating.  And Megan Williams liked Bobby enough to keep coming back to have sex with him, even though she knew that:

  1. Bobby lived in a disgusting trailer with his demented Mom.
  2. Bobby either lived with rats or kept rats as pets. 
  3. Bobby had threatened to kill his own mother with a machete.
  4. Bobby’s mother had just been released from prison on a manslaughter rap of her own.
  5. Bobby was an abusive drunk.
  6. Bobby had already beaten her once in July and the incident involved the police.

So despite Megan Williams knowing this about her asshole of a boyfriend, she kept coming around to get some of his redneck lovin.  And it seems like this last time he wouldn’t let her leave his trailer home.  I’m not saying Megan Williams deserved to have this incident happen to her.  But she should hardly be surprised. 

We don’t have a hate crime here, people.  We have a Jerry Springer episode.  I predict most of the charges will be dropped except for the kidnapping and sexual assault. 

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

45 thoughts on “Megan Williams’ Stupidity and Hate Crimes

  • Brian, thanks for the pingback-

    CNN has the story here that the victim “may have known” her rapist. I think they lived together in that trailer off and on and probaby did quite a bit of drugs together too. Can you say crackhouse?

    Here is the article:

    Key sentences are:

    Defense attorney Joe Spradling, who represented two of the suspects in the past, said he believes there is some racial component to the allegations, “but the biggest factor is drugs.”

    Carmen Williams had not reported her daughter missing, saying Megan Williams often disappeared for weeks at a time.

    Investigators are still looking for two other people suspected of driving Williams to the home.

    So she had no car either? She often received rides to the trailer I will wager. I get a sneaky suspicion the abuse may have been due to lack of payment for drugs.

  • ursee1


  • That button on the left of your keyboard is the CAPSlock. You should figure out how to operate it.

    The woman looks mentally ill because her captors cut off her hair, Ursee. And no, this is not a modern day lynching and your racist comments about inbred white people are also uncalled-for.

    We should hear more about this case this week so hopefully the whole truth about this case will become more clear.

  • Megan Williams is mentally retarded, this according to her parents. So that means that those inbred animal rejects from the deliverance movie took advantage of someone with limited mental capabilities. And to make it worse you blame the victim in this situation for the abuse she suffered. How ignorant.

  • Kim,
    The accounts I saw said that she had “mental issues” and took some special education classes. This does not mean she was retarded.

    And if she was retarded, her attackers may go free. How is a jury expected to believe the word of a “retarded” girl over that of six others?

    And I never blamed the victim for the abuse. I pointed out that she was making some very poor decisions about who to associate with.

  • [i]she had “mental issues” and took some special education classes. This does not mean she was retarded.[/i]

    yeah, that would only be true if she posted under the name endersdragon

  • heh, yeah you are right.

  • I really hate that little homo

  • Sorry Pat and Jim but, all six of your racist, kidnapping, raping, sexual sicko hillbillies friends have confessed. Why would you want a black person to perform oral sex on you if your are racist? I think the six hillbillies are the retarded ones. Here is a plus for your side……Megan Williams is currently out on bond for passing bad checks. I hope all of her captors receive the maximum penalty… in prison. It is nice to know that there are still people in the world like you today…..people who think black people can not be victims and can become nothing more than crackheads. I will pray for you. FREE JENA SIX. (caps left on on purpose).

  • Hotdick, welcome to the blog.

    I’m not sure why you think that these criminals are any friends of mine. The whole point of this blog post is to criticize Megan Williams for having friends such as these. I would not associate with criminals, and neither would most Americans.

    As far as thinking Megan cannot be a victim and being a crackhead, can’t she be both? Circumstances seem to be pointing toward that conclusion right now.

    And I think its wrong of you to want maximum punishment for criminals in one case such as the West Virginia torture crew, but not for the criminals in Jena.

  • hotdick(detective)

    You make a good point about Jena situation. The “Jena Six” are all kids…”juves”. I am not saying the should not be punished. I am saying they should be freed from the adult penal institutions where they are being held. If, upon futher review of the victim’s case, the situation warrants more incarceration for the kids…….then let them serve the remainder of there time in a juvenile detention center. FREE JENA SIX.

    It is possible for Megan, or anyone for that matter, to be a victim and a crackhead at the same time. But, is it possible for you to take a first look at a black victim of such a crime and not assume that she is a crackhead. Your thought process ties in with the theory of rape victims not wanting to come forth with info in fear of being blamed for the entire incident.

    On a more positive note, it is good to know that you dont associate with these types.

  • Hotdick,

    Please don’t presume that because you think I’m white that I am somehow incapable of recognizing what a victim is if they are black.

    Yes, I think I am capable of making the distinction between innocent bystanders and participants in what may have been a criminal enterprise. In fact, when I looked at the circumstances surrounding this case, I took the whole racial aspect out of it and merely considered the behavior of the people involved. When I did that, I came to the conclusion that this is not a “hate crime” but bad people who had a bad day of reckoning.

    As said above, the criminal background of the residents of this trailer would become known to people associating with them. And Megan Williams, knowing this background, chose to associate with them anyways. And I think she chose to have a sexual relationship with Bobby Brewster too.

    The police interview transcript of what Megan said in the hospital is here. The details are a bit muddled, but I think she desperately wants to have group of people face criminal justice.

  • hotdick (head)

    1: Dont pray for me, I hate your god and everything the bible stands for.

    2: You have me confused with someone else kid, I don’t give a shit about the rednecks or the dumb nappy headed hoe they raped and beat up.

    3: the Jena Six are being tried for attempted murder, They didn’t have to let things go that far… they made their choice. Don’t free the Jena Six, let them rot in jail… fuck em.

  • Terror

    Hey Jim

    Chew on this. I bet you are some coward who only says Ignorant crap like that on the web. Meet you in person and you probably put your had down to avoid eye contact. You probably got low self esteem and play that atheist role to feel like you are apart of something. I’ll bet you are the type of person who would have helped torture that girl just because you could seeing that she was kinda slow or maybe you would have been the asshole who got rocked by the Jena Six. You say let them rot in jail, well you rot in hell because it looks like you are on a slow fall there anyway. Suck ass evildoer, FREE JENA SIX

  • 1: You would lose that bet.

    2: I didn’t say I was an atheist, stupid… I said I hate your god and your stupid bible because both of them are fucking phony piles of dog shit.

    3: I do not support criminals, that why I don’t care about the redneck clan who rape and torture water-heads -OR- the nappy headed hoe that writes bad checks for a living.


  • Manuele


    In WHAT way is 25 years for attacking someone with a rubber sneaker attempted murder?

    Mind enlightening us?

    Look, the Jenna 6 thing is just a bunch of bullshit.

    You know, I got jumped by about a DOZEN guys when I was their age. Where was the kangaroo court to come fight my battles for me?

    The whole incident kicked off because some racist kind in a racist TOWN decided o be an asshat.

    If the Jena 6 is guilty of ANYTHING, they’re guilty of Simple Assault. IF THAT!

    A rubber sneaker as a ‘deadly’ weapon is one of the stupidest concepts ever.

    Plus, one of the white students produced a shotgun in a incident surrounding this. Last i checked, that’s a crime more severe than simply kicking someone’s ass. ‘Brandishing a Firearm’ anyone?

    Anyway, For someone who doesn’t care, you sure sling those slurs about.

    If you REALLY don’t care, then WTF are you doing even commenting?

    I guess you DO care. You care about being a racist jackass.

    BTW, the young lady will have her day in court over the check thing. HOW that correlates with her being brutally raped is beyond me.

    All I know is I had better not come across anyone like these animals on the street.

    it’s better to be judged by twelve, than carried by six.

  • Jim

    exactly when was I racist ? The phrase “nappy headed hoe” ? That is a statement against Al Sharpton, the most racist sub-human on earth.
    Reverend ? HA ! there is nothing reverent about that scumbag. More important values have come out of my asshole than out of his mouth.

    now, back to the Criminal 6 … I am going by the reports I have read which state attempted murder. Nothing about a shoe, but rather a racial attack which put a person in the hospital. At the very least the Jena 6 deserve assault 1, which is 3 years in prison, 1 year of probation, fines, and restitution..

    THAT (my retarded little friend) is what you get for committing crimes.

    The kid with the gun should be up on charges too.


  • LNC

    Jim you are really a racist, you probably are a kkk, are you kidding me? have you read about the Jena 6 incident thoroughly? obviously not, those white teens jumped a black teen first, beat him up and nothing was done to them.Keep in mind these were the same people that hanged those nooses from the trees and in a verbal confrontation with the group of black kids in a party they used racist terminology thats what heated up the confrontation between them and caused the group of black teenagers to attack one of the white kids. So stop being ignorant and read throughly next time. Megan Williams although you knew this bastard that contributed in the atrocity that doesn’t justify what they did. Most people in here seem like a bunch of bigots. Well now i can definetley see that nothing has changed and all of the struggle and the fight that people such as MLK, Rosa Parks, Malcom X ect. put up for racial equality is worth nothing. This country wants to help out the civilians in Iraq but can’t even help out their own people.

  • did you really just put Malcom X in a list with King and Parks ?

    If black people see Malcom X as being anything except a race baiting pig (where Al Sharpton probably got his training) than you are more ignorant than the stupid KKK.
    King and Parks fought for equal rights, Malcom X was nothing better than a terrorist and was killed for denouncing what he is best known for supporting.

    But lets look at the difference between our arguments. I have not suggested that anyone was innocent, just that the ones who are already caught to get served the time they deserve. You have lowered your argument to “the white kids started it” and “everybody is racist except blacks”.

    Crime does not justify crime and all people who choose to be criminals should receive the punishment they deserve for their crimes. Getting raped by a bunch of hillbillies is not a get out of jail free card.

  • FREE THE JENA 6 ! (after they do time for their crimes)

  • Longtallnikki

    How was the Justin boy almost killed when he was treated, released, and was at a party that same night???? People who are “almost killed” spend time (more than a few hours) in the hospital right?

  • depends on their condition but attempted murder and almost killed are two very different things anyway.

  • wildman

    This is an unfortunate situation- BUT, would you people be so heated about this case if the girl was White, Hispanic, or Indian? And racial slurs work both ways- what are hillbillies “”ursee1″” I believe it’s a racial comment. Sure it isn’t as politically incorrect as calling a certain race names- but I don’t see a difference in the skin color. I do believe the 6 involved should be prosecuted but bringing up a race war isn’t the way to do this- don’t we have a court system to do this. If you’re seeing color of skin in this- you should take a long look at yourself! Oh- and I almost forgot to remark about some of the “COVER-UP” conspiracy theory’s- I heard about it on my local news. The more you stir………..

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