
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Global Warming Becoming an Attention Whore

Now Global Warming is supposed to cause as much destruction as a full-blown nuclear war. 

WOPR War Games Computer Approves.

From Reuters here:

Climate change could have global security implications on a par with nuclear war unless urgent action is taken, a report said on Wednesday.
The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) security think-tank said global warming would hit crop yields and water availability everywhere, causing great human suffering and leading to regional strife.

The IISS report said the effects would cause a host of problems including rising sea levels, forced migration, freak storms, droughts, floods, extinctions, wildfires, disease epidemics, crop failures and famines.

Yeah, right.  Next thing you know, Global Warming is going to say its bisexual and will start posting pictures of itself making out with Avian Flu on its myspace page.  And if it doesn’t get the attention it craves then, Global Warming will start full-on cam whoring.  And maybe start saying that its “so fat” every ten minutes and then commence to cutting itself so the world can see its pain.

This is Global Warming trying to get attention in public.

The fact is 500 scientists are now disputing man-made global warming scares. 

From Earthtimes here:

A new analysis of peer-reviewed literature reveals that more than 500 scientists have published evidence refuting at least one element of current man-made global warming scares.

More than 300 of the scientists found evidence that:
1) a natural moderate 1,500-year climate cycle has produced more than a dozen global warmings similar to ours since the last Ice Age and/or that
2) our Modern Warming is linked strongly to variations in the sun’s irradiance.

“This data and the list of scientists make a mockery of recent claims that a scientific consensus blames humans as the primary cause of global temperature increases since 1850,” said Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Dennis Avery.

Other researchers found evidence that:
3) sea levels are failing to rise importantly;
4) that our storms and droughts are becoming fewer and milder with this warming as they did during previous global warmings;
5) that human deaths will be reduced with warming because cold kills twice as many people as heat; and
6) that corals, trees, birds, mammals, and butterflies are adapting well to the routine reality of changing climate.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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