
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreCrimeHumorStupid People

Blessed Be Thy Burning Coolers!

A crazy idiot woman who has seen one episode too many of “Bewitched” on TVland got busted for being drunk, yelling chants, and burning junk too close to her house at midnight.  Her neighbors, who are normal people with jobs to get to in the morning, called the cops on the psycho.

I think Crazy Wiccan Lady looks a little like Hillary Clinton.  Nice Mullet btw.

From Today’s TMJ4 here:

A Waukesha woman was arrested early Tuesday morning for disturbing neighbors by yelling witch chants around a bonfire she built 10-feet from her home.  Brenna K. Barney, 42, who calls herself “Brenna Raven Moonfire,” told police that they were infringing on her religious beliefs since she is a Wiccan and she was performing a ritual because of a new moon.

Criminal charges of resisting arrest and disorderly conduct were filed against Barney. Police may also give Barney a ticket alleging negligent handling of burning materials.

Neighbors in the 2300 block of Madison St. called police at 12:11 a.m.  When an officer arrived, he heard the woman yelling in the backyard and found her wearing headphones, a T-shirt and underwear. At one point she poured lighter fluid on the fire, which was 10-feet from her residence. She was burning rubber car mats and a cooler.

When the officer was able to get the woman’s attention she refused to cooperate telling the officer she was performing a religious ritual. She continued to be belligerent and the officer could smell alcohol on the woman’s breath.

It took four cops to collar the woman. She was first taken to Waukesha Memorial Hospital where she continued to yell and swear at officers and hospital staff.  After she was medically cleared, she was taken to jail.

Nice eco-friendly witchfire you got there, Brenna.  I didn’t know that car mats and old Igloo Coolers were important for Wiccan rituals.   Are they an element of earth, or air?  Maybe at your trial the judge will throw you into Lake Michigan to see if you float.

Wiccan is a fake religion according to Encyclopedia Dramatica here:

Witch is a euphemism for ‘Extremely Flammable Woman‘.

Modern ‘witches’ are insane attention whoring 16 year old girls and very easy to annoy. Witches think they are all psychic and can perform curses!

Witches usually live with their lesbian aunts and a talking black cat, and love to freak the mundanes with their majicks and telekinesis on a regular basis. Note that true witches do not require wands to perform their tricks, unlike the media wants you to believe. A genuine witch does it all with her finger.

While Wiccan’s claim to follow an ancient religion, most of the Wicca knowledge was passed down orally from the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Rule Book.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Blessed Be Thy Burning Coolers!

  • Wicca is as much a religion as any other wacko cult (including Christianity). It is a just a matter of faith that makes it a religion, not who they actually worship. I have known a great many Wiccans and those who actually take their religion serious do not tend to burn rubber mats by themselves 10 feet from their houses. They do not break the law, fight the law or try to curse other people because they believe that their deeds will come down upon them 10 fold.

    This woman was just a drunken crackpot.

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