
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimegayHumorStupid People

Manning Goes to the Chop Shop

America’s most famous gay soldier, currently serving a life sentence because he is a traitor, is now going to get his wiener chopped off so he can feel better about himself. Meanwhile, soldiers who served honorably in the wars are still on waiting lists for minor procedures at the VA Hospital.

Gay in the Military

From Yahoo here:

Hormone treatment for gender reassignment has been approved for Chelsea Manning, the former intelligence analyst convicted of espionage for sending classified documents to the WikiLeaks website.

Defense Department officials said Thursday that the hormone therapy was approved Feb. 5 by Col. Erica Nelson, commandant of the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where Manning is serving a 35-year sentence.

The treatment would enable the Army private formerly known as Bradley Manning to make the transition to a woman. Manning changed her legal name in April 2014.

The decision came after a lawsuit was filed in September in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. It alleged Manning was at a high risk of self-castration and suicide unless she received more focused treatment for gender dysphoria, the sense of being a woman in a man’s body.

Gender Dysphoria is the only mental illness that gets to be treated by mangling the patient’s genitals. It would be like treating OCD by chopping off fingers to prevent obsessive hand washing. I think castrating this traitor is hilarious, so go ahead! It won’t make him happy in the long run and it will ensure that this maggot will never breed.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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