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The Liberal Sainthood of Robin Williams

Robin Williams was not a happy man, as is obvious by his decision to swing by a belt until Mr. Happy was finally dead. Remember when suicide was a sad shame and considered an unforgivable sin? Not anymore. Now everyone is trying to claim he had mental health issues or he was “battling demons” like the freakin’ priest in the Exorcist. No. Forget the demons-battling. Robin Williams was an athiest and only believed in the liberal ideologies of “if it feels good, do it” and “all Republicans, Christians and Conservatives are evil.” You only need to watch ten minutes of his standup to figure these things out.

The media is trying to pin some type of sainthood on this man. Yet, they refuse to talk about what he did in his life to bring him, literally, to the end of his rope. At the onset of his career, Robin Williams was married and had two kids. Then he started sleeping with the babysitter. This resulted in his first divorce. The first wife took all of his Mork and Mindy money, his first two estates, and lots more. So Robin decided to marry his babysitter that he was banging behind his first family’s back, producing a brand new family.

This babysitter, Marsha Garces Williams, weasled her way into producing some pretty lousy movies for Robin Williams, including the very unfunny “Patch Adams” and “Jakob the Liar.” Yech. Then Garces decided to make a movie about a magical Nanny that can reunite a broken family. How sick is that? That movie was Mrs. Doubtfire, a hit that made Williams a small fortune, that is, until Garces divorced Robin taking all of the Doubtfire cash and any remaining money he had amassed since his first divorce.


Prior to Robin hanging himself, he was forced to work on a CBS TV flop and was being roped into making Mrs. Doubtfire 2, which is owned in part, I think, by Williams’ blood-sucking ex-wife. No wonder he was despondent. These weren’t demons. This was the culmination of a lifetime of some really poor decisions and an inability to keep lawyers, greedy wives, and rabid Hollywood execs away from his fortune.

Robin Williams wasn’t depressed. He was cornered, broke, heartbroken, full of regret, and he thought he had no way out. So he took the coward’s way out. Yes, it’s sad.

But he was not a saint. Read my prior post on his divorce to Garces here.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “The Liberal Sainthood of Robin Williams

  • Bhattacharya

    Actor Robin Williams or his full name-Robin McLaurin Williams. Mork and Mindy when that came out in 1978 (I was 8 years old) was the first time I saw him act. Seen some of his movies with the best 1s being Jumanji (1995), Good Will Hunting (1997)and Jakob the liar (1999). I saw his 3d Night at the Museum, Tomb Secrets movie he did before his death. He was a talented actor but had problems with depression, alcohol and drugs. Now why he committed suicide, only he knew. We don’t know if he had traumas which caused his depression. While you hope a patient fully tells their Dr. of problems that they have, many do not fully report all their problems which they keep secret. Yes, he got help for depression but we do not know if he had traumas that he would not want others to know, not even his counselor.

    Just because a person is successful, does not necessarily mean that they are happy. Oprah is a successful woman and a billionaire but only she knows if she is happy-the woman has had traumatic experiences in her life when she was teenager. Robin M. Williams was a talented actor and he maximized on his talent though he suffered from depression and must repeat-Only he knew why he committed suicide & let’s recall his talent. You don’t always know the traumas a person has had in life & for years Robin M. Williams made the best of his talents though in the end he killed himself.

  • Bhattacharya

    Hollywood actors in addition to Robin have had sad times in life-we hear more about this because they are famous. Here are other actors (actresses) who like Robin Williams (Robin McLaurin Williams) have had sad times.

    – I dream of Jeannie Actress Barbara Eden (Barbara Jean Morehead and unrelated to actress Agnes R. Moorehead who was Endora on Bewitched). Her son died in 2001 of drug overdose @ 36 years old.

    -Late Actor Bill Bixby (Wilfred Bailey Everett Bixby 3-1934-1993) who played Dr. David Bruce Banner of the 1977-1982 TV Series Incredible Hulk (I have seen all the episodes of this TV show including the 4 TV movies made in 1977 Incredible Hulk, 1988 Incredible Hulk Returns, 1989 Trial of the Incredible Hulk, 1990 Death of the Incredible Hulk). Mr. Bixby’s son died in 1981 when he was 7 years old in a skiing accident. In 1982, his ex wife Brenda Ann Bixby (she guest starred in an Incredible Hulk episode titled Psychic) committed suicide by gunshot-likely depression from their son’s death.

    -Actor John Travolta (John Joseph Travolta) had a son who died in 2009, yet he still went on with life after his son died. I don’t understand how people can go on with their lives such as work after they’ve had a trauma in life such as have a child die.

    Barbara Eden (Barbara Jean Morehead) wants us to know her from I dream of Jeannie and the entertainment she gave playing Jeannie. My guess would be that people such as Robin Williams (Robin McLaurin Williams) and the late actor Bill Bixby want us to remember them for the entertainment they gave us while acting as Mr. Bixby did when he starred as David Bruce Banner on the Incredible Hulk. But how it ended for all of them is sad.

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