
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


MySpace Kid Invents Transfats Spray

The Internet’s self-proclaimed “Youngest Blogger,” Seth Hicks, aged 8, announced on his blog at that he is now an inventor. After reading about the Girlscouts putting cookies on the market without transfats, Seth realized that people may still want the fat for the cookies. He created a delivery system to put the saturated fats back onto products that have become trans-fat-free.

“So I took an empty nosespray bottle and filled it up with palm oil, which is just loaded with transfats,” Seth wrote on his blog Tuesday. “And then I set up a table next to the Girl Scouts at Walmart and sold my spray for a dollar per squirt.”

Seth went on to explain that he is still trying to earn his “Caring Challenge” badge for the Cub Scouts. His last attempt to earn his badge, which involved sending panties to needy celebrities, was rejected by the National Group on the basis that it was not up to morality standards. He hoped his new campaign will be as big of a hit as the last one.

But so far his new invention has met with decidedly negative reactions. “First of all the girl scouts are such crybabies!” Seth ranted. “They said it was no fair that I had a table right next to theirs, and this one little girl used a bad word at me that I’m not allowed to write. And they were telling people that my palm oil spray was poison, and I was like, nuh uh!”

Seth went on to write that he only earned 4 dollars, which was not enough to file the patent paperwork for his spray invention. He was likewise hesitant to try to use this latest attempt at “caring” to earn his badge. He vowed to try again on Saturday when the GirlScouts setup their cookie stand outside of Safeway.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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