
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreEco-ReligionStupid People

Believe in ChemTrails? Yeah, You’re Very Retarded

I love to go on twitter and troll ChemTrail beliebers. They think that the water vapor that forms clouds behind jets are poisonous and are used by the Government to geoengineer the planet and control the weather and nothing you say can convince these kooks otherwise. Even the WashingtonPost gets in on the mockery.


From the WaPo here:

Contrails, short for condensation trails, form when the hot, moist exhaust from aircraft flying at high altitudes condenses when it meets the extremely cold upper atmosphere and forms a long, narrow cirrus cloud. Contrails can make for a beautiful sky, especially during sunrise or sunset, and are indicative of particularly cold air aloft.

Contrails are harmless (as they consist of water vapor) and tend to stick around for minutes or hours, depending on how favorable the atmosphere is for sustaining such clouds. Conspiracy theorists, however, call these innocuous contrails something more sinister – “chemtrails.

They believe that contrails are really trails of chemicals (hence the name) sprayed by aircraft for nefarious purposes, usually to control the weather, make us sick, control our minds, or cause general mischief.

The idea that aircraft that produce contrails are really spraying “chemtrails” is preposterous on its face. Airlines mostly operate based on the weight of the aircraft. The weight of the passengers, cargo, and luggage onboard is crucial for both determining how much fuel is onboard, which ultimately determines how much they pay to fill the tanks, as well as the balance of the aircraft in flight. If the plane is too heavy or the weight is distributed incorrectly, it could crash.

Anyone that believes that the government is spraying the air with chemicals via commercial flights is coated with pure concentrated liquid retard. Want to make one of these kooks’ heads explode? Tell them that the government really does its bulk spraying at night when no one can see it. And then tell them the chemicals are designed to make them vote for Democrats. They will say, “What? I’m a Democrat!” You reply, “See how well its working?”

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Believe in ChemTrails? Yeah, You’re Very Retarded

  • We’re not spaying chemicals into the air! That’s the most preposterous thing I’ve ever heard!!! That would be totally ineffective and a complete waste of
    money… We put them in the water and… you drink the mind control chemicals… And we put it into every bottled water too… If you’re wondering.

  • I hate Chem-Tards and flerthers so much. When did people become so backwards?

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