
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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BatShiat Amy’s Baking Company Brings the Internets Drama

Amy’s Baking Company is run by a zombie-eyed egotistical freak and her old-ass husband who may be on the run from justice. This crazy couple act like Captain Queeg when it comes to criticism on Social Media. They accuse “haters” of being Yelpers who are out to ruin their lives, yet in reality, Amy can’t cook. Now three journalists have been kicked out of the restaurant because Sammy can’t pour drinks or keep the bugs out of the restaurant (which is likely due to poor cleaning habits). Here are three videos that shows how paranoid and crazy Amy is, along with the full episode of Kitchen Nightmares. Hey, someone let me know if these vids get yanked by YouTube by leaving a comment, mkay?

LULZY: Their official Twitter page may have been hacked- the hyperlink to in the bio section redirects to an official White House petition to have Amy committed to a psych ward.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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