
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeWhy Homeschool?You're Fired!

Reason 768 to HomeSchool: Spanish Teacher Won’t Rape Your 8th Grader

Yet another idiot teacher who spends four years in college just to get a teaching degree so she can go to jail after raping a child. This time the woman is Kathryn Murray in Houston. Houston has a rich history of hiring rapist teachers, and this trend continues. Kathryn Murray went over to her student’s house and had sex with him while his parents were away. The victim’s kid brother blew the whistle and notified the cops.

From the Dailymail here:

A middle school was caught having sex with a 15-year-old student in his home when his younger brother, aged 12, walked in on the pair. Kathryn ‘Camille’ Murray, 28, from Houston was arrested on Thursday and charged with sexual assault of a child. She is being held in lieu of $250,000 bond.

Earlier in the week Murray was removed from her post at Memorial Middle School after a report of a then unspecified inappropriate relationship was reported to the principal on February 13.

Murray went to the boys’ house the night of February 11 when his parents were away after he invited her over. The older boy had asked his younger brother in advance if he could invited ‘Mrs. Murry’ over to the home. Around midnight, according to the 12-year-old, he walked in on the pair in bed. He saw a tan bra and used condom on the floor and the teacher and his brother under the covers.

Life and career over at 28. No one will want to hire this sex offender. Guess she will have to start stripping to pay those student loan bills.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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