
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreClownsHumorStupid People

Oh Boy a Clown Is Suing Me!

I love a good Internet LOLsuit.

From Steve Triola, an asshat who paints his face so the children he plays with can’t pick him out in a lineup:

Dr. Jones
I talked to my lawyer today and he is going forward with my case. He has called his contacts in the DC area, we think your operating somewhere out there. Also have contacted a lawyer that specializes in Internet crimes. I see you will not let me respond to your comments on your website. So I’m telling you now I want that video of me off of your site now! My lawyer is also going to be sending you an e-mail telling you to take it off. You have cost me thousands of dollars and destroyed my reputation. Before you slandered me I had worked on such shows in Hollywood as “Seventh Heaven and Ally McBeal. I did a pilot called channel surfing. Was on the dating game, the gong show and had small parts in several independent films. The LA times ran a story on me. The Long Beach Press Telegram and several other newspapers around the LA area. I have performed for several huge corporations. Been to hundred of children’s parties. I was one of the most popular clowns in the LA area. But that all changed when you made the claim that the clown in Illinois had moved to LA. to be near kids and now that you with your genius detective work have found him, he will have to change his name. You never even bothered to check and see if I was the same person that was arrested in Illinois.
You ran an article about Downtown The Clown being arrested for having position of child pornography then put a video of me under the article. Not only that! You said, “I was a douche bag and was annoying kids. Those kids at that party loved me. That’s why their parents put the video on YouTube. Did you even watch the video. Did you do any kind of back ground check on me what so ever. You knew nothing about me. What kind of education I have, what schools I attended, where I grew up. Where I had performed, who I had performed for. If I had any kind of criminal record at all. You did none of that, yet you decided to attack me. To destroy everything I worked so hard for over the last sixteen years. Then you call the home of those children a ghetto. Just because their African American and don’t have the kind of money you have. What is wrong with you?
You can hide and hide all you want. But you will be found and brought to justice. A jury is going to love this case. You picked the wrong person to mess with. This is not going away. You will be hearing from my attorney, I can promise you that.
Stephen Triola

Wow, that email brightened my evening. Lets see if there are any other videos of Downtown the Clown who is threatening to sue me for falsely outing him as a child molesting clown.

Here is one that I am also is pretty sure is not Downtown the Clown who was convicted of looking at Child Porn, but they are indeed clowns just like Stevie “McSuing Clown-o-lator” Triola, so everyone should use caution when putting kids around evil clowns with big teeth and stupid noses.

Oh no, is that going to get me sued again? Clowns. Its what’s cancelling Ally McBeal.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

9 thoughts on “Oh Boy a Clown Is Suing Me!

  • A clown lawsuit? I am so jealous. All I got was a couple of C&D letters.

  • OnlyA stupid clown would blame me for the jobless rate among clowns rather than Obama- and the fact that no one loves a clown.

  • Steve Triola sent me another email! He writes:

    The more lies you say about me, just makes my case that much better. I have never had a child sit on my lap in my life. I feel sorry for you. Why you would just chose to distroy a mans life that you don’t even know. You must be a very unhappy person.

  • I’m guessing that spelling is not high up on the list of clown prerequisites… Maybe… That’s the reason for a lack of employability. I’m quite sure it’s not the wonderful economy we find ourselves in due to the brilliance of “The Chosen One”

  • If only I could put every clown out of work then my life’s mission would be complete.

  • How do you plan on putting Ronald McDonald out of business? You are still hiding from Downtown Clown in La.

  • Says the creepy guy who wears face paint and plays with little children.

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