
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeEco-ReligionStupid People

End Game of All Cult Leaders: Declare Yourself as God- James Ray Declared it Before Baking Hippies to Death

A witness in the James Ray manslaughter trial, the owner of the retreat property, who had the presence of mind to stay out of the sweat lodge death trap created by a white flim flam artist, testified that she overheard James Ray declaring himself to be the “Alpha and Omega,” and “I am God,” just before stupid hippies dropped dead from heat stroke.

From CNN here:

The owner of a retreat center testified at the manslaughter trial of self-help author James Ray Tuesday that she heard him tell participants of an ill-fated sweat lodge ceremony that he was God.

Ray is accused of manslaughter in the deaths of three people at his October 2009 “Spiritual Warrior” retreat in the desert. At least 15 others who took part in the ceremony became ill. More than 40 other people were uninjured.

Amayra Hamilton and her husband Michael own the Angel Valley Retreat Center where the lodge was located.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am God,” Hamilton recalled Ray said at the start of the ceremony. She testified she sat outside the sweat lodge and overheard him speak.

The ceremony consisted of eight rounds, with each round lasting 10 to 15 minutes. While they were not prevented from leaving, participants have said they were told to wait until the breaks between rounds.

Prosecutors have argued that the lodge — made of willow trees and branches, and covered with tarpaulins and blankets — was heated to a perilously high temperature, causing the participants to suffer dehydration and heatstroke.

The event participants paid up to $10,000 to seek “new areas of consciousness” at the retreat, according to testimony. Many had attended previous James Ray International seminars.

I don’t know if Hamilton is trying to pin all of the liability on James Ray or not. After all, the deaths took place on her property, and I think she had some responsibility and some of the blame for the deaths. You don’t run retarded “sweat lodges” for spiritually bereft white people and collect lots of cash doing so without taking some responsibility for the activity that occurs on your property.

But this goes to prove what I had been saying for over a year now. James Ray was not a mere “motivational speaker.” He was a cult leader who used brainwashing to substitute himself as God in the eyes of athiest hippies to rob them of their money and ultimately, some of their lives too.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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