
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Atlas Shrugged- Book and Movie

I wanted to read Atlas Shrugged before I saw the movie. I got more than halfway through before I dared go to the theater to see the first installment of the movie. The movie was pretty good- for a made for TV movie. Cinematically, it was only okay. The acting was wooden, the editing needed work- but just about all of the main points of this great morality play made it into the movie.

I loved how they were able to modernize the film and adapt it to today’s political climate. There are so many things going on these days in which the government is taxing and regulating businesses to death, including trying to make it illegal for businesses to move from one state to the other.

There were gasps of outrage from some of those in the theater and cynical laughter from others as they watched the prophetic scenes of cheating and looting bureaucrats and cronies as they gouged the material wealth away from thinking people. I hope they finish the series of movies, because this is a great story that deserves to be told again and again. I saw this video earlier and I guffawed.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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