
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreCrimeStupid People

Crystal Magnum Now Adds Attempted Murderess to Her Other Labels of Child Abuser, Whore and Liar

This is the crazy black bitch who “keeps on giving” to bloggers like me. Crystal Magnum, the black woman who falsely accused a bunch of white men of rape, then later set fire to her own home to spite her then boyfriend, and endangering her children, now has a brand new charge of attempted murder to her rap sheet of crazy fail crime. She was arrested and is in jail for repeatedly stabbing her boyfriend in the chest. As Ann Coulter once tweeted about her, I hope this doesn’t give single mom strippers a bad name!

From ABC here along with crazy bitch photo goodness:

Former Duke Lacrosse accuser Crystal Mangum was arrested overnight Sunday for stabbing her boyfriend.

Around 3 a.m., officers responded to a stabbing and found a 47-year-old man stabbed in the chest. A man who called 911 identified Mangum as the attacker.

“I told him she was trouble from the very beginning,” said the caller. The stabbing victim suffered serious injuries and was taken to Duke University Hospital for treatment. Mangum stabbed her boyfriend during an argument at the apartment the couple shared. Mangum stabbed the man repeatedly.

No Story about a crazy woman is complete without a cousin running to the press to say “I toldja so!”

A man who claims he’s the victim’s cousin said Mangum and the victim had a brief relationship. “I mean he was excited,” said the man. “He was like, ‘man, guess who I’m dating now.’ He was excited, but I told him ‘man, you know her background, be careful, you know what I mean.‘”

Mangum, 32, was later arrested at a nearby apartment and charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury.

Okay, this whore needs some serious jailtime. Her kids need to stay in foster care or with an adopted family. And maybe while this stripper who HATES all men is in jail she can get her head examined to find out just why she hates men so badly. Not to get Dr. Drew on this situation, but she obviously was sexually assaulted as a child. She need some serious jailtime and counselling to salvage what is left of the wreck of a life she is leading.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Crystal Magnum Now Adds Attempted Murderess to Her Other Labels of Child Abuser, Whore and Liar

  • Dan-Dan

    Who would want to rape that ugly,bug-eyed whore?

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