
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


This Kid Wants a Beatdown By the Internet Hate Machine

Meet Eric Douglace. This Justin Bieber fanboy is posting videos saying that he will launch DDoS attacks using botnets that are controlled by all of his elite hacker friends and there is nothing anyone can do to stop him because his uncle works for the FCC. He has garnered the attention of the 4Chan/anonymous guys and he is about to feel what it means to be internet famous.

I’m pretty sure this kid thinks he’s gay. Since males are rarely actually born this way, this also means that at some point he may have been sexualized- either through abuse or to exposure to pornography at an early age. This behavior is a response to trauma.

The kid is also obviously unsupervised and has problems relating to reality. His parents are about to learn the hard way that you don’t let your kid get on the Internets unsupervised. The pranksters at 4chan will certainly start sending them pizzas, have their car towed and more because they won’t supervise their child. The same thing just happened to Jessie Slaughter.

And he is escalating his war to the delight of all:

Parents, keep your children off of the Internet. Especially if he’s gay and is in love with Justin Bieber. No one wants to see this.

UPDATE ED thinks this is all fake. Proving that if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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