
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeStupid Peoplewitches

Wiccan Hoarder Kept 100 Dead Cats in Broken Freezer, Blessed Be!

A disgusting Wisconsin woman, Gabriella Bernabei, and her degenerate boyfriend Robert Grassi, who wouldn’t marry her, had their kids taken into state custody because of their hoarding. And like most hoarders, there were about two dozen sick-ass cats rolling around in the home in their own feces. As a bonus, Bernabei kept about 100 or more rotted cat carcasses in a broken down freezer in her crammed garage. She claims the freezer was working (like that’s an excuse for stockpiling cat corpses) and she is being persecuted because she and her boyfriend are Wiccans.

From WEAU here:

Gabriella Bernabei says she kept the cats in the freezer because she hadn’t found the right time to bury the cats. She says she’s Wiccan and in her religion you honor the animal by returning it to Mother Earth. She believes it’s her Wiccan beliefs that got her in trouble with the law. But, the sheriff says she and her boyfriend were mistreating their cats.

It was in an un-working freezer in the back of a garage that the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department says it found 100 dead cats accumulated over a year and half. The woman who put them there says that number is closer to 50 and says the freezer was working. Bernabei says she brought some of the cats with her from Illinois when her family moved to Jackson County. She says others weren’t necessarily theirs, but every animal deserves a burial and she was just waiting for the right moment to return them to the earth.

I guess dead cats have some sort of magical properties to Wiccans. And its no shock to me that she cared more about her cats than her children. They should have burned the cats and the witches at the stake just like the good old days.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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