
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionfailPoliticsStupid People

Oh The Global Warming Irony!

In the UK you will get fined 40 pounds if you let your car engine idle, to warm up the engine, to drive heat onto the windshield, to melt frost and snow off of it. You get fined, you see, because a running car causes global warming, so much in fact, that you should be experiencing more snow and frost to not let you drive. Morons.

From the DailyMail here:

Drivers who leave engines running to clear screens face fines under ‘idling offence’ rules

Motorists who leave their cars running on frosty mornings to warm up the engine and clear the windscreen could face being fined under anti-pollution rules this winter. Drivers are being told that leaving a car idling for more than a couple of minutes wastes fuel, and they could be served with on-the-spot fines of up to £40.

Many councils now enforce the ‘stationary idling offence’, which was quietly introduced by the Government in 2002.
It is particularly aimed at drivers of buses and taxis who sometimes leave engines running for half-an-hour or more while waiting for passengers, pumping out pollution unnecessarily.

It says running engines while a vehicle is not moving is an ‘inefficient use of fuel’ and results in the release of gases that have a ‘negative effect on both climate change and public health’.

If the world was really getting hotter, why are we still getting frosted windows on cold-ass mornings?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Oh The Global Warming Irony!

  • AlaskanInfidel

    No matter where the insanity of AGW is believed in… or how the stupidity of the masses is exploited, this crap has nothing to do with this planet or the people on it.
    It’s all about money. Look at this ridiculous fine. The UK sends helicopters out with infrared heat detectors to find and fine those that barbecue without paying the applicable carbon tax.
    This garbage will be rammed down our throats because it profits those that make these decisions. The people no longer have a say…for now. When the true cost of indulging in this deviation from sanity comes to light, that will be the end of it.

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