
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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James Ray Believes Jewish Holocaust Was a Good Thing

James Ray, moonbat messiah and new age guru, told ABC News that his belief in the law of attraction- that positive feelings and thoughts brings prosperity- also means that the victims of the holocaust and 9/11 had it coming because they attracted the tragedy upon themselves.

Click the image to see the video.

Meanwhile, James Ray has cancelled the rest of his national tour this year. He had previously said that the message he spreads is too important to quit, despite the deaths in the Arizona sweat lodge. I guess the message ain’t that important after all.

From ABC here:

When dozens of fans and supporters for James Arthur Ray showed up for one of his events in Toronto Wednesday night, they were greeted by a handwritten sign saying the event had been canceled. At the time no explanation was given, but one of Ray’s former mentors, Bob Proctor, apparently convinced Ray to cancel the seminar just hours before it was scheduled to start.

In a post on his Web site today, Ray said he is postponing the rest of his events for the year to help “get to the bottom” of the incident in Sedona, Ariz., earlier this month in which three people died after attending one of his seminars in a sweat lodge.

“These families deserve to have the questions raised by the tragedy answered as quickly and authoritatively as possible,” Ray writes on the Web site. “It’s now clear I must dedicate all of my physical and emotional energies to helping bring some sort of closure to this matter.”

James Arthur Ray’s self-help star rose dramatically in 2006 with the best-selling book “The Secret,” which preaches “The Law of Attraction,” the idea that people can attract anything they want — money, love, improved health — through the power of thoughts.

“In simple terms, if you are constantly thinking, feeling and acting broke, then you’re never going to attract prosperity into your life,” Ray told ABC News. Ray defended “The Secret” against critics who asked if the victims of 9/11 or the Holocaust are to blame for simply thinking incorrectly.

“I know people of the Jewish faith and heritage who don’t necessarily believe the Holocaust was bad,” Ray said. “Now that might be shocking to you but I have people on record who have said, hey there’s a lot of good things that came out of that, a lot of lessons, a lot of opportunities for the world. “

So to James Ray, six million jews attracted death because they didn’t walk on fire, sit in sweat lodges, think positive thoughts and fork over 10,000 bucks each for new age training. And, I suppose, James Shore, Kirby Brown and Liz Neuman were also ninnies who thought about dying too much and attracted their own demise.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

20 thoughts on “James Ray Believes Jewish Holocaust Was a Good Thing

  • Hey Pat,

    I understand your anger over James Ray’s event tragedy. I’ve written a few things about the matter myself on my own site.

    What I’d caution you against is making “buzzword” headlines that are obviously meant to demonize him.

    Notice that in the passage quoted, James Ray did not say that he thought the Holocaust was good, or that the victims created it. He did say he knew Jewish people who’d said that.

    Now of course he didn’t say “Oh those people were wrong,” and disagree with them, but to change the message directly to “James Ray approves of the holocaust,” is a couple steps too far, and is close to activist journalism. I do appreciate you including the original passage though.

    The problem with the Holocaust is that it’s an extremely touchy subject that no one has a good answer for. If you ask a Jew or Christian, it can mean either God was judging his people, that God turned his back, or that God simply doesn’t interfere in these matters.

    Is that much better than what James Ray may have been thinking? The problem of of evil and pain in this world is so uncomfortable, that pinning down someone for an awkward answer will always be unfair, especially if you imply that JR would say that if they bought his products, they would have been fine.

    You’re not helping the situation for anyone here, not the victims, and certainly not yourself.



  • Dan,
    Thanks for the comments.
    James Ray used those conversations he supposedly had with jewish people to support and confirm his own beliefs.

    The holocaust is more than merely a touchy subject, and it had little to do with Divine judgement. James Ray can’t correctly align his own realities with the horrors of the holocaust. He refuses to make a judgement about it and attributes quotes from people, who, if they say it was a good thing, then it must be, because he cannot make a judgment. I sense that you have the same problems making a judgement about it too.

    James Ray is a killer and a fraud.

  • Pat,

    Can you explain the Holocaust in line with any spiritual belief system?

    If you’re an atheist, then “awful things happen for no reason” is a very non-offensive answer.

    However, if you do stand by a belief system for how the world spiritually works, than any answer you give will be offensive to the victims or families of the victims. It’s always either God did it, God stood by and let it happen, or the victim made it happen.

    I saw James Ray speak a couple months ago, and I can tell you I did not like him either. He came off very arrogant and unkind. He also clearly is responsible for those deaths.

    However, I am curious how you would answer the Holocaust question, if you were asked to fit it into your own spiritual/religious beliefs. “I don’t know” seems to be the only non-offensive answer, precisely because it’s non-committal.



  • Dan, I see your point that it can be difficult to explain large-scale deaths using a spiritual framework. But its the wrong framework and context for this simple discussion. And rather than simply say, “Look, evil men do evil things when they are allowed to do so by cowardly men,” James Ray adopted the position of someone he’d spoken to once. And its an awful position, saying that the holocaust was a good thing, discussed within his own spiritual framework that people attract good fortune and bad.

  • Maureen


    I think you’ve completely misunderstood what Ray was saying – he said it poorly but he never said the Holocaust was a good thing – he said alot of good came out of the Holocaust, that lessons can be gleaned out of any awful experience – I don’t know anyone who would disagree with that.

    Let me preface the following comment by saying I don’t like the man either – I think he’s an arrogant opportunist and a shameless self promoter, but I think it’s important to separate the man from the message. The Law of Attraction does in fact operate in all our lives — whether we believe it or not, and whether the outcome is desirable or not. The fact is we generally get more of whatever it is we focus on.

    To the confusion on attracting death… although the Law of Attraction plays a part in the success – or lack thereof – in everyone’s life, it’s a pretty big leap to say that if you die, you attracted it – again, whatever Ray said to this point, he probably said it poorly, which has led to alot of confusion around this point.

    Fact is people die – doesn’t mean they wanted it to happen – we are mortal beings – stuff happens – lives end – do we bring it on ourselves? Maybe. I believe that “when bad things happen to good people” it may be that they weren’t focused on whatever it was they wanted, but rather focused on whatever it is they didn’t want. Then again, maybe the whole damn thing is completely random – since I like having some say in what I bring about in my own life, the random argument doesn’t give me warm fuzzies.

    Regardless, I believe that when you’re having a tough time in life, it’s very difficult to take your attention away from whatever is causing pain, but that persistent attention to the pain is what brings more pain. Not a happy thought for people who persistently think negative thoughts – or have a negative world view, but again – to Ray’s point – knowledge of this conundrum offers opportunity for change, doesn’t it?

    Bottom line is that we all get to believe whatever we want – about the Law of Attraction, about Ray, about our own belief systems. However, just because someone believes the Law of Attraction is BS, those beliefs don’t change the laws of physics. Just because you can’t see the atom don’t mean it ain’t there… Watch the movie, “What the Bleep Do We Know.”


  • Maureen,
    Thanks for taking the time to comment. I can see you are passionate about this issue.

    But there are a couple of points that I feel must be corrected. First, the so-called “law of attraction” is not a law according to physics. Please don’t try to connect a new-age spiritualism belief to real-world physics. Its no where near the same.

    Second, since you say the key to understanding some of these things is to focus- please focus on the holocaust and tell me what, in your opinion, was the “good” that came from it. Or from 9/11. Or what is the good from people being suckered by James Ray’s teachings and then cooking to death in the Arizona Desert?

    Maybe I’m myopic, but I just don’t see the good. Explain if you can.

  • Pat,

    Let me preface this by saying firmly I do not think that either the sweat lodge incident nor the Holocaust were good things whatsoever.

    Did anything beneficial come from it?

    It’s very possible that without the Holocaust, there wouldn’t have been enough urgency to grant the Jews the creation of the state of Israel. Also, the Holocaust brought up close how awful anti-semitism had become, and let us know what humans are capable of if they’re following orders.

    Was it worth it? I don’t think so. But these are some issues put forth.

    I agree with you that the Law of Attraction isn’t scientifically based. However, there are a number of very real things in life which either haven’t been analyzed or simply cannot be analyzed scientifically.

    If you look at your own life Pat, are there any times that within days of an event, you thought the situation was a curse and a painful disappointment? Have you ever realized months or even years later that the event you couldn’t stand at the time was an extremely important occurrence in your life?

    I’d say neither the Sweat Lodge or 9/11 have had enough time passed for us to spot a silver lining, if there is any to be found. When there is a silver lining, it’s not something that’s sought out, from what I’ve experienced. The silver lining just presents itself gradually and clearly over time.

    I think your biggest problem, however, is with the man James Arthur Ray himself. You’re put off by his arrogance and criminal negligence in dealing with peoples lives. You hate that he is spouting a philosophy you think is wishful thinking at best and dangerous at worst.

    So this “holocaust quote” is a convenient criticism to add to the pile. I’d advise to focus on the real issues here. This isn’t a political campaign where your next 1000 votes depend on finding a new way for people to dislike James Ray.

  • I think one of my big problems with James Ray isn’t that he’s arrogant. Its not so much that he espouses what I think to be stupid ideas. So what if he teaches people to shoot rainbows from their eyes? But he was robbing these people when he was doing it. He charged more to attend his little deadly confab that the cost of Kirby Brown’s funeral.

  • Maureen


    My only explanation is this: the only good that ever comes from tragedy is knowledge – period. History – if we’re smart enough to pay attention to the lesson – is a potent reminder of what is right action in any circumstance. The world has learned alot from both the Holocaust and 9/11 – we’re still learning. With regard to the “Law” of Attraction, and to echo Dan’s point above, there is currently no verifiable means of establishing the scientific validity of LOA. However, I believe that what we don’t yet know enough about LOA will fill text books hundreds of years from now – the closest we’ve come to understand a possible scientific basis for LOA is found in Quantum Physics, the underlying principles of which are still confounding most physicists. Albert Einstein spent his life trying to understand it and failed.

    The point is not whether there is objective evidence for the Law of Attraction – there is not – but that each person’s experience of LOA is what is valid to them – reminds me of another argument that cannot be proven by science and yet more than three quarters of the world’s population spend each day in prayer BELIEVING that what they pray for will be realized, i.e., faith. I see LOA as no different than religious faith – again, it all comes down to what each of us believes.


  • Maureen, you have a very low standard to define “good.” Trust me, people knew beforehand that killing 6 million people wasn’t right. And they didn’t have to kill anyone to realize that. Everyone knows flying airplanes into buildings is wrong, and people knew that before 9/11. So your strong focus on my challenge seems to have failed you. You still cannot pinpoint what “good” James Ray was talking about, nor can you seem to explain how 6 million people attracted their deaths according to your “law.”

    And no, books won’t be filled with your hokum.

    You don’t need science to explain why there’s a sucker born every minute.

  • Maureen


    Point # 1 – I wasn’t referring to the hijackers or to the Nazi’s, but to the greater lessons for our country and the world, some of which Dan addressed above.

    Point # 2 – I never said 6 million people attracted their deaths – I said people die – we each will believe whatever we choose as to why. Those who are victims of genocide, terrorism, murder, etc., may simply have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Humans love to assign meaning to everything that happens – sometimes Law of Attraction plays a part (why were they in the wrong place at the wrong time?), then again, sometimes an accident is just an accident. But again, it comes down to what each of us believes. Just as you choose to believe that James Ray said the Holocaust was a good thing, I choose to believe that he mischaracterized the role that LOA played in the Holocaust, and that error is being used as a lightening rod to further obfuscate understanding of this subject.

    Point # 3 – The Law (Theory) of Attraction (or “hokum” as you put it) is already the subject of thousands of books – but that was not what I was referring to – by “text books” I meant scholarly efforts to address the theory from a scientific perspective. The history of science shows us that many ideas once perceived as “wacky” or “hocum” in their time have since been proven to be valid by the scientific method. Thank God for all those good scientists who continued their work in the face of extreme opposition.

    You obviously have some very strong opinions on this subject, and I respect your right to believe whatever you choose to believe – your point of view is no less valid than mine. It would be great if you extended the same courtesy to others – regardless of how your opinion differs from theirs – my membership in the “sucker club” notwithstanding.


  • Pat,

    I respect your scientific approach to life. I’m not suggesting we abandon science by any means. You’ve kept your spiritual views private at this point, which affords you the luxury of not having to defend anything that can be questioned logically and analytically.

    If there’s one thing I’d have you consider, it’s that we honestly don’t know more than a tiny fraction of how this world works.

    As an example, none of us have ever directly experienced matter. We have no verification it exists. Our entire experience is through the mind. It’s the same mind that creates in our sleep the worlds we are 100% certain that are completely real.

    Arguably, it requires just as much faith to believe this world is real, as to believe it’s all an illusion.

    If someone asked you in some (or most) of these dreams if you were certain that the man next to you was your coworker for the last 2 years, you would say “of course.” A moment later, you would wake up realizing the coworker never existed.

    Our certainty and vividness in dreams give us constant confirmation that our certainty and vividness of the world around us amounts to nothing.

    You’ve experienced convincing matter being proven to be false. You’ve never experienced anything proven to be matter.

    This gets a bit off the initial subject, so not expecting you to refute everything (or anything) I’ve said. Just suggesting to keep an open mind, while keeping your judgment of how to best practically live your life.



    I’m curious what would it take to get you to post something accurate?

    Although the interviewer presented things a ‘certain way’ I can understand how the weak minded might believe your “TITLE” of the post, and if it was a ploy to get people to read your blog, Kudos. However, now the question is raised to the validity of your post(s) (along with the limited demographic)

    At NO point in the (ACTUAL VIDEO) interview did James indicate or insinuate “The Jewish Holocaust Was a Good Thing”. PAY ATTENTION to what is actually said from James (and particular attention to the interviewer)

    Specifically the interviewer CLEARLY STATES, “When I asked James Ray about what he thought about CRITICS (i.e. limited thinkers) OPINION of “did the ‘victims’ of the holocaust and 9/11 bring it on themselves?” James CLEARLY indicated he has SPOKEN w/people from the JEWISH faith who have stated on record THEY felt GOOD THINGs CAME from the Holocaust. NOT THAT THE HOLOCAUST WAS A GOOD THING.

    WTF? (Where’s The Focus?) on the things you profess to believe or on the crap you keep talking about?

    When you can get your focus on the things you want instead of what you don’t want, what was or even what is, this is where you will see the success you seek.

    What you define as “negative” is a reflection of your “Arrogance” or your “Ignorance”. Is “following” a “Creative Source” (give it your own label) that creates “bad” things a smart choice?

    Case in point, the following video will provide a broader perspective:

    Challenges are provided as opportunities for you to change, refuse to change, continue to see challenges.


  • LOL you used “Namaste.” Just in case anyone was curious if you were a confused new ager, you proved it with that.

    James Ray could not prove his position that the victims of 9/11 or the Holocaust are to blame for simply thinking incorrectly with his own words. He had to quote someone else, and then abandon whatever thoughts of his own he had on the subject, and adopt that position as his own.

    His adopted position is that the holocaust happened because good things came from it. This is sick.

    No matter how you parse his response, he is wrong. I’ve never met a Jew who would say that the holocaust was okay as long as something good came from it. In fact, I can’t find a Jew who says that anything that resulted from the deaths of six million of their race was a good thing.

  • jomama

    There werent 6 million jews. The Jews first tried the 6 million thing in 1918. Nobody buys it anymore except for morons. Yad Vashem doesnt buy it. NO gas chambers. At Auschwitz since the fall of Communism they have had to “come clean”. The number there has been reduced twice to less than 100k. And these were victims of typhus..a result of our bombing campaign. If 4 million have been “resurrected..then the 6 mill number would be false. The jews started communism..most of the Bolsheviks were it any wonder that they were targeted? The result of the so called “holocost”..Israel. Was it a good thing for the Jews? I would say so. For us..NO. We lost our friends in the Arab world, we now are hated by all the muslim countries for our one sided, blind support of the theft of Palestine.

  • I am by no means a serious analyst, but: Is there a record of 6,000,000 jews being slaughtered? Didn’t think so.(jew is not capitalized because you are not a race, you are a tribe). Oh yeah,(nascar and human are a race) this should be sufficient for that racial question. My main ? would be: did the jews deserve it? We are talking about how the tribe acted beforehand. Old asian saying: I will probably misquote; He who sticks his head out is the first to get nailed down. Sound sorta right, but that saying of my is garbled. Fine, history ?, what did the jews do over any other tribes of that era to totally piss the nazi regime?

  • everybody see history with #’s, y not this? (also I forgot with the checkmark at the bottom with my last post)

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