
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimePoliticsYou're Fired!

US Census to ACORN: You’re Fired!

ACORN, a criminal leftist organization, was very proud that they had secured a deal with the United States Census to help count jack up the number of black people and other minorities in poor areas. If ACORN could falsify the number of people in an area, then more federal dollars and other services could be channeled into their greedy hands. But in the wake of the recent two videos showing blatant attempts by ACORN to help promote underage prostitution of illegal aliens, the US-CENSUS dispatched their special envoy, pill bugs Tuck and Roll:

Sweetness and Light have the rest of the story, including a copy of the letter firing ACORN for being gangstas. The Census notes below:

I’m lovin’ it.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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