
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Speaker of the House Declares You Unamerican

HotAir has an excellent analysis of the Pelosi-Hoyer post in USA Today in which they call everyone who is protesting the government healthcare reform “Unamerican.” Ed Morrissey reminds us that the first amendment gurantees the right of Americans to redress their government on their grievances, which is something that Pelosi and the rest of the democrats want stopped right now.

From the USAToday article:

These disruptions (protests at townhalls) are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American. Drowning out the facts is how we failed at this task for decades. Health care is complex. It touches every American life. It drives our economy. People must be allowed to learn the facts.

As Ed points out, the fact that healthcare is complex, widespread and an economic driver are precisely the reasons government shouldn’t meddle, but pointing this out will get you labeled as unamerican. He goes on to say:

…in the First Amendment, the Constitution not only protects the right of free speech but also the right to petition government for a “redress of grievances.” That means that people unhappy with the direction of government have the right — in fact, have a duty — to air their grievances to their elected officials and demand better governance.

There could be nothing more American than appearing at a town hall and confronting elected officials over their wrong-headed policies

I wonder if Democrats will reverse their stand on wiretapping now? To them, the big threat is not listening in on terrorists making phone calls. Its making sure that you and I don’t speak out against a government takeover of the HealthCare industry.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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