
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Malawi Mighty Tasty Mice

Mighty Tasty Mice, originally uploaded by BelchSpeak.

I saw this bizarre photo on Yahoo. Its a reminder that not all cultures are equal. In Malawi, where Madonna shops for babies, the farmers seem to be growing corn for the wrong purpose, if you go by what the caption of the AP photo says:

Cooked, salted or dried, field mice are strung on sticks and sold as a popular delicacy in Malawi in markets or at roadside stalls. The rodents are hunted in corn fields after the harvest when they have grown plump on a diet of grains, fruits, grass and insects. Malawi, with a population of 12 million, is among the poorest countries in the world, with rampant disease and hunger, aggravated by periodic droughts and crop failures.

“Popular delicacy” my ass. If these morons would keep the rats out of the corn and stop eating the diseased critters, perhaps they could grow some decent food and improve sanitation. The way the AP words it, this is “just how Malawi likes to roll.”

12 percent of this country’s population has HIV/AIDS and half of the population is aged 16 or younger. Just more proof that Africa is Hell on Earth.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Malawi Mighty Tasty Mice

  • Gregory

    I can hear him now, like the vendor at the ballpark… “HOT RATS! Get yer Hot Rats, HOT RATS! GETTEM WHILE THEIR HOT!” MMMMMMM… Top it off with some onions, and Albino Chili with Beatles…good stuff.

  • I am Malawian and I disagree with your observations. it is our culture to eat mice. When we see you eat frog legs we also say the same thing because we cannot eat a frog. What has eating mice got to do with HIV. This site is full of shit. find something better to write about instead of just bashing Africans

  • Ben, I’m sure you wont find any dead mice in the local Kroger grocery aisle there in Arlington, Texas. And a culture that eats vermin is not a culture that I value, nor is it one that is valued elsewhere around the world where modern societies have worked hard to eliminate disease-carrying pests. If you value that Malawian culture so much, why aren’t you there enjoying it? You came to this country for a reason, presumably. Malawi has a high HIV infection rate and that reflects on the educational and medical levels of that country. And if that country has poor education and poor medical facilities, and it is full of Africans, who is to fault for the bad conditions? I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m fairly certain it is the fault of the African residents.

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