
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeWhy Homeschool?You're Fired!

Reason 949 to HomeSchool: Cross-Eyed Social Studies Teacher Won’t Bang Your Daughter in Her Car

Meet Melissa Koehn. She was busted by the cops in Minnesota dry humping one of her students in her car. Its not what you would expect from a social studies teacher and girls’ basketball coach at a Christian private school, unless you are a regular reader of this blog, in which case, this doesn’t surprise you a bit.

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The video is added mostly for the lulz because this thread is now epic.

From the Weekly Vice here:

Melissa Diana Koehn, a 30-year-old teacher and coach at St. Croix Lutheran High School in West St. Paul, Minnesota has been arrested on felony sex charges of 4th-degree criminal sexual conduct after a police officer discovered her making out with a 17-year-old female student in a ‘fully reclined’ position inside a parked vehicle.

Koehn and the student each admitted to having sexual contact, beginning in August, 2008. The relationship then continued, leading to multiple instances of sexual contact between Koehn and the student.

The student’s parents admitted to authorities that the teacher had slept in their daughter’s room on a number of occasions, but believed Koehn slept on the floor. They told authorities they were unaware of any sexual activity that had occurred.

What the hell is wrong with the parents of the student?  Never let anyone, much less a teacher share a bedroom with your kids.  The parents should have all of their kids put in a foster home because they are too stupid to be allowed to raise kids.

According to a Google search of the school’s website, this picture shows a group of kids who went to the Dominican Republic on a field trip.  I don’t know if any of the girls in the photo are the victim in this case, but if the victim was indeed taken out of the country for the purposes of sex, more charges should be filed.

After all, the best way to get the school to pay for a romantic getaway for a perverted teacher and her sexcrime victim would be to have the girl take her Social Studies class.  Oh sure, the official cover was that they were going to the Dominican Republic to teach Vacation Bible School and do a “mission outreach.”  But instead of teaching bible verses, Koehn was busy seducing her student.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

105 thoughts on “Reason 949 to HomeSchool: Cross-Eyed Social Studies Teacher Won’t Bang Your Daughter in Her Car

  • I agree with Tim! Fischman is wrong about everything!!!

  • fischman101

    if its so horrific then dont read it! problem solved. ha ha ha. Yes it should all be examined even the trip but definatly not by you or Pat! Honestly, I truly appreciate you wanting my grammar to be better. Seriously! There are no hard feelings. Thats besides the focus of this blog, but to emphisize my point I will state it AGAIN. I know what she did was wrong, but what Pat has done is not any better. Its strange to post pictures of highschoolers on this blog by your logic! Posting such horrendous theories and accusations isn’t any better. I find it hard to see that what i’ve written is such nonsense I continue to get a rise out of pat and you. Such a rise infact, that he has checked ip addresses, he has discovered real names, and you both continue to bicker with such “foolish youth”. Maybe you could teach the youth of america since youre
    A. So good at grammar
    B. Not a child molester
    The educational system could use more people who mandate the free will of its students.
    BTW- you must have some spanish speaking friend named jesús seeing that he spoke to you in spanish. He told me that “Personalmente no pienso que ustedes son tan intellegente que un burro la diferencia sola es que tienen un computadora. Mas o menos”

  • htalpo

    This is the most pathetic thing I have seen. Ok I’m just going to point out that I went to St. Croix Lutheran. I had Ms. Koehn as a History teacher and was a good teacher when I had her. For one even though the public photo you put up is available to say anything that went on that trip or with these students could get you in trouble. You should really take a look at this website to see why I say this:

    No matter how long you argue with these students or former students about what a former teacher did with a student you have no right to make accusations as to the possibility of something that went on with the students in that picture. Your putting up a picture that is considered a copyrighted photo for the school and you actually don’t have permission to put this up, whether you would like to think you do or not.

    I’m assuming the e-mail you got from the concerned person could actually be an administrator for the school and if so you could get pulled from these “informative” articles you put up on your blog.

    To the students or former students of St. Croix: There is really no point at posting on this guys blog. You can keep on stating things about the trip or about Ms. Koehn and he will never get it. Just let him continue to think what he is doing is right and go on with your lives.

    There are better things to do and in the times that this country is currently in have to come together. So while Tim stays at his house continously blogging and not earning a dime do what you have to do to earn your wages to help support your family.

    Also, Tim if you want to stalk me and check my IP address you will see that I don’t have the same IP address as these other people.

  • HTalpo,

    This is the most pathetic thing you’ve ever seen? That’s a lot coming from a Twins fan. You should check this out here for something really pathetic.

    That’s a hilarious link about the bloggers being sued. Are you threatening me or something? Libel would have to be proved, and there is nothing I have written that is false or libelous in any way.

    And Ms. Koehn was a horrible teacher. If a firefighter spends 9 years fighting blazes and then gets caught burning down a church, is he a good firefighter or a bad one? Ms. Koehn has to successfully keep her tongue out of the vaginas of all of her students to qualify her for a merely mediocre teacher. I don’t think that is a difficult task. Do you?

    If she excelled at her job on top of the basics of not raping the children she was teaching, then she might be a good teacher. Otherwise, she is a failure.

  • htalpo

    The link isn’t a way of threatening you at all. It is giving you a chance to understand that what you post could in fact get you in trouble.

    You stated that the school allowed a child molester to take students to a foreign country. If what they say is true the activity that occurred happened after this trip, so by you saying this leads people to believe that the school knew about what had happened even before it happened, so yes you actually have done something wrong.

    You have slandered a school that had no realization that this was going to occur. By your words they should have known what was going to occur. Now if you can prove that the school did in fact know about something going on even before it was alleged than that is a different story, but I would find that hard to believe.

    There is a way to be a respectable blogger and someone that goes for attention, and you are just going for attention. I do agree with you that she is a failure after this has occurred, but before this event I assure you that nothing ever happened that would lead anyone to believe she could do something like this.

    I would finally just say that when getting into an argument and stating information it would be very important to know all the facts and in this case you don’t know all the facts. Just what the media gives to you.

    I think it is funny you went after me for being a Twins fan. So tell me how did you find that out? Did you go to a website to find this out? Who are you a fan of?

  • HTalpo,

    No, I think you are inferring something that I never said. At no time did I imply that the school knew beforehand that Koehn was going to rape a student.

    Any damage to St. Croix’s reputation was not caused by me, but by the teacher who was busted dryhumping her student. There was no slander of the school, nor any of the students. There was criticism of the parenting skills of the victim’s parents, and I stand behind my opinion. Use of the publicly published newsletter for news and opinion is fair use. I know the law too. Hell, Yoko Ono tried to sue me for saying she ate a dog.

    That said, if you want to talk about culpability to the crime, the school may have been lax in enforcing policies that protect children. Allowing teachers to be openly affectionate to students leads to these types of incidents over and over again. My Why Homeschool category is littered with examples.

    As for the Twins fan, well, I don’t follow baseball much. That Redsox World Series a couple years back was awesome. I googled your userID and you have smartly not openly associated it with a real name or other personally identifiable info.

  • htalpo

    “And yeah, that trip is totally tainted. You guys would have been better off going to Jamaica for hedonism. Then the teacher could have dryhumped a total stranger instead of getting all pent-up and being forced to ravish her student.”

    This trip is associated with the school, so by you saying just this statement is in itself considered slander. Just because the abuser was a part of the trip doesn’t mean the school or the students that sponsored it or went on the trip have anything to do with it.

    I could understand keeping the picture up and maybe even Koehn’s name up there, but I would at least say to take the names of the students and others that were involved.

    That is pretty good work on the username. I might have to do some work on that! As long as there is no financial information that you can get from me I’m ok with it. I’ll continue to preach to the world that the Twins are the best team in the league (Optimist). Will never work, but you never know.

  • HTalpo,

    The wiki article really does not pertain to this situation since it has nothing to do with UK law or me actually taking the photograph in question.

    Regarding the names of the children in the picture, that information was part of the document. Publishing the names of children on a website does not violate any laws anyways in the United States as long as it does not pertain to medical or financial issues, or as part of sealed court records. Among other cyber issues, I am a privacy expert too. I appreciate your concern for the legality of my situation, but you needn’t worry yourself.

  • fischman

    Go HTalpo!

  • The cross-eyed teacher was supposed to appear in court today to face charges for dry humping her student. Did the cheerleading squad of St. Croix show up in court to root for Koehn to get away with her sex assault?

  • fischman

    you still dont get it!!! ha ha ha

  • Pat: “It’s not what you would expect from a social studies teacher and girls’ basketball coach at a Christian private school”

    Actually, it’s exactly what I’d expect from a social studies teacher, it’s exactly what I’d expect from a basketball coach, and it desn’t surprise me that it could happen at an allegedly “christian” private school. It wouldn’t surprise me that some alleged “christian” would say, “Jesus said you should turn the other cheek, which means that if somebody rapes one of your kids, you should offer them another kid with whipped cream on their genitals.”

    Some people commenting here: I wish I could meet you and express my feelings in person by vomiting prodigiously down your throat!

    [Oh yeah, right, I can here you already, right, sure I’M the pervert!]

    1. “I’m going to clear up the lies in this article. Melissa Koehn was not a spanish teacher.”

    Oh, yes, that’s the important detail!

    2. “I agree that it’s very unfair of her to do what she did. She should have known better.”

    If you had no fingers and couldn’t type, then we wouldn’t know how evil you are.

    3. “you say “they were going to the Dominican Republic to teach Vacation Bible School…but instead of teaching bible verses, Koehn was busy seducing her student.” You weren’t there, so you have no idea what happened. You have no idea how hard we worked down there. …. lies about how she was seducing students or how she wasn’t teaching. We all worked hard including her. So yes, she made a big mistake that will cost her years from now, and I’m horribly disappointed in her”

    I see what you mean. But is there a formula? How many Bible verses negates a tongue up the ass? How many chapters negates a rape in the bushes? Are the teachers awarded Indulgences?

    4. “if youre going to be so blind as to think that she spent four years in college to become a teacher just to rape students then blah blah blah”

    Why not? Four years at school, and then you get PAID to rape kids until retirement. A lot of pedopervs would think that’s a great deal!

    5. “i’m extremly offended at the things youve said, she didnt go around attempting to get into the pants of her students.”

    Yeah, she just tripped and landed in her student’s genitalia. Happens all the time.

    6. “satan tempted her and she faltered. in earthly terms this is horrific but in GODs eyes is it just as bad as a little insignificant white lie. if you are not christian i am sorry for you and understand that the above sentences may not make sense.”

    OK. Now I see the problem. At this “christian” school they obviously take the scriptures and they use them to wipe each other’s asses.

    7. “There are no degrees of sin…”

    And yet this article offends you more tan the sick twist you love defending. You sound like a sicko pervert yourself.

    8. “How you do know that the “victim” wasn’t the one who started it all.”

    What part of CHILD & TEACHER do you not understand?

    9. “it wouldve been legal if the ms koehn hadn’t been a teacher.”

    Don’t they teach grammar at that crappy anti-Christ school? And she WAS a teacher!

    10. “you should understand that things in life are not so black and white.”

    Remember that if you’re ever abducted by Muslims and gang-raped for the rest of your life. Say to yourself, “this SEEMS like a bad thing, but it’s not so black and white. It’ll help.

    11. “I’ll try to clear things up for you. The “victim” was 17. She’s not a legal adult, but she sure as hell wasn’t clueless.”

    Well then, why not just put her on the street and make some money out of it? Who are you, the principal? Maybe you could raise some money for “Bible-study trips” by pimping your 17 year olds to pervs? Just a thought.


    Okay, I can’t read anymore. I’m gonna vomit. That school should have HELL written in blood all over it.

  • fischman

    akira… ha ha ha have fun vomiting…

  • fischman

    you still dont see what were trying to say… all three of you feel so smart when youre talking and you still dont understand what were trying to say… pity

  • So CJ, how was the pep rally at the local court house? Did Ms. Koehn get the charges dismissed?

  • fischman

    Say something else about us being there it should be funny again! Oh and the pep rally was great up here in minnesota we have a lot of potlucks… this was a great opportunity! dontcha know?

  • moltenlava

    “Well then, why not just put her on the street and make some money out of it? Who are you, the principal? Maybe you could raise some money for “Bible-study trips” by pimping your 17 year olds to pervs? Just a thought.”

    What the hell does that even mean? Did you read anything? Yeah, some people posting her have some messed feelings, but you don’t have to automatically just accept the other side of the argument. I was making the point that you’re acting like a child was raped. It was consensual sex with someone who knew entirely what she was doing. Does that make it right? Hell no. Does that make you right? Hell no.

  • Moltenshit: “You’re acting like a child was raped. It was consensual sex with someone who knew entirely what she was doing.”

    I know, I know.

    That’s why you pass your kids around, so all your buddies can have a poke at them.

    You sick bastard!

  • fischman

    K if you know something then act on that knowlegde… You really are a strange one akira.

  • moltenshit

    I don’t get you, Akira. You aren’t addressing the topic at hand. You’re making outlandish claims that have nothing to do with anything. You’re presenting a “straw man” argument. Look it up, it describes exactly what you’re doing. I’m not defending Koehn, she fucked up big time and deserves what she gets. I am, however, trying to figure out what you’re getting at. Do you feel that all the responsibility lies on Koehn, and that as long as you’re under 18, you are blameless? I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but you aren’t giving me anything.

  • bichonlova

    Well now you can go make up lies and gripe about our Justice System, cause I’m pretty sure she didn’t get jail time.

  • Was she convicted?

  • moltenshit

    I don’t think she got convicted. I looked online but can’t find anything about a sentence. She’s logged onto Facebook a few times and posted a few things since the court date. Guess that means no jail…

  • fischman

    from what the “victim” has told me the first trail was to make sure she had a lawyer or someother exhausting technicallity

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