
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Planned Parenthood Wants to Legalize the Spread of AIDS

Not only is Planned Parenthood accepting donations to abort only black babies, but now they want to make spreading AIDS completely legal in all countries, including the United States. And they are teaming up with the United Nations to make sure it happens. What the Eff Planned Parenthood has to do with HIV is anyone’s guess.

From the AP here:

An increasing number of countries worldwide are making spreading HIV a crime, according to a new report from the International Planned Parenthood Federation.

According to Planned Parenthood, 58 countries worldwide have laws that criminalize HIV or use existing laws to prosecute people for transmitting the virus. Another 33 countries are considering similar legislation.

Since 2005, seven countries in West Africa have passed HIV laws. In Benin, simply exposing others to HIV is a crime, even if transmission doesn’t occur. And in Tanzania, intentional transmission of the virus can lead to life imprisonment.

In the U.S., 32 states have laws criminalizing HIV transmission.

Many of the laws in Africa were passed after a meeting in Chad in 2004 sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development, the world’s biggest funder of AIDS programs, and attended by U.N. officials.

The U.N. was definitely remiss to allow this to happen,” said Kevin Osborne, a senior HIV adviser at IPPF and one of the report’s authors.

In countries like Britain, Canada and the U.S., which are major donors of efforts to fight AIDS in Africa, such cases are particularly unfortunate, many experts say.

“It sets a poor example in the sense that other countries may then think this is an appropriate or desirable way to deal with HIV,” said Richard Elliott, executive director of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network.

And a stupid quote from Planned Parenthood said here:

“For the foreseeable future we will never have an AIDS-free world, but because of that we should find new ways to live and to love – becoming wiser and richer. HIV must be embraced not feared!” – Dr Nono Simelela of the International Planned Parenthood Federation in London.

Of course liberals are all about spreading diversity.  And we should treat those infected with HIV who wantonly spread the deadly virus to everyone with love?  Absolutely not.

If someone is going around spreading Anthrax spores, you put them in jail.  Same for anyone spreading radioactive dust.  If anyone was in the possession of a biological weapon, you put them in jail, not coddle them and tell them its okay to release the weapon on the populace.  There is no difference in these examples and deliberately transmitting the HIV virus.

Is jail too harsh?  I dunno, ask the victims infected by this guy.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

4 thoughts on “Planned Parenthood Wants to Legalize the Spread of AIDS

  • For the most part if people would just act responsibly AIDS would die out within a few generations.

    But that’s a mighty big ‘if’ in that equation.

  • “For the foreseeable future we will never have an AIDS-free world, but because of that we should find new ways to live and to love – becoming wiser and richer. HIV must be embraced not feared!”

    Gives new meaning to the old adage, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” Hey, let’s all be one happy family and spread the love around.

    Sick and disgusting.

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