
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

AfricaCrimeStupid People

Albinos and the Bing Bang Walla Walla Bing Bang

Witchdoctors in African countries are still chopping up albinos. The latest victim is a 10-year-old girl.

From SkyNews here:

At least 26 other albinos, mostly women and children, have been killed in different parts of the east African country of Tanzania over the past year.

Albinos lack melanin pigment in the skin, eyes and hair, which protects from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.  But witch doctors believe they have magical powers to bring fortune.

Some families kill albino babies upon birth, Tanzanian authorities say.

And authorities in Kenya and Burundi, where albino killings have also been reported in recent months, have started to give added protection.  Some reports say albino skin is prized in the Democratic Republic of Congo, another troubled African nation where superstition is high.

Did I mention that Barack Obama’s Grandfather used to make albino stews?  And the NYTimes is doing their part for this crisis by handing out whistles to those that need sunblock and firearms.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

4 thoughts on “Albinos and the Bing Bang Walla Walla Bing Bang

  • I hear Obama has promised to increase foreign aid by three fold…much of it going to the hopeless continent of Africa. I don’t care how much of other peoples’ money you throw at Africa, you cannot help third-world savages who chop up other humans for their magical body parts.

  • africa rules

    i mean if it werent for those greedy white people going overthere and taking over africa wouldnt be so bad u stupid bitches. and obama’s grandad was not a witch doctor u lying sak of shit

  • Hussein Onyango Obama was a muslim witch doctor. Its a fact. sorry you can’t deal with it.

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