
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Barack Obama’s GrandDad Loved Killing Albinos in Tanzania

According to this Sweetness and Light post about an article in the Evening Standard, Barack Obama’s GrandPappy, Hussein Onyango Obama, was a Muslim witch doctor. And Witch Doctors from that region of Africa play a new fun game, called “Hack up the Albino.” I wonder how many potions Obama’s grandfather brewed that contained human flesh?

The audacity of hope that you can make a white colored black man run for his life in the African bush! Anything for a buck, I suppose.

From the BBC here, along with a chilling video from an undercover camera crew showing Witch Doctors, just like grandpappy Obama, promising to drag an albino out of his home to slaughter him.

This year, at least 25 people with albinism have been killed. They are being killed because local witchdoctors say their body parts provide the potent ingredient for magic charms, which many local people use to bring success in business and love.

The bodies are left limbless and sometimes with a huge hole in the neck, from where blood would have been drained.

As if that is not enough, they have to bury their dead in the house, guard the graves on their farm and or build them with stones, metal bars and cement to prevent the killers from stealing the body parts.

So I posed as a businesswoman who wanted to get rich and “consulted” 10 witchdoctors. The consultations included talking to a hedge and telling my problems to a chicken.

These are regarded as intermediaries between the witchdoctor, their ancestors and the spirits, or “jinns“.

Sticky green stems or old money notes are put between pages from the Koran.

Then the witchdoctors would speak in Arabic and the local Sukuma language and translate or use an interpreter to get the message through to me.

Two witchdoctors promised to get me a magic concoction mixed with ground albino organs. The starting price was $2,000 for the vital organs.

Another told me said that the police were among his customers and that he could make a special potion mixed with ground male and female private parts to enable people to commit armed robbery without being caught.

Speaking Arabic, playing with Korans and believing in “jinns” or genies are all signs of the Muslim at work. I had a feeling in a previous article that the barbaric practices of cutting up people for magic spells had something to do with Islam. I was right. But I had no idea it had anything to do with the magic of Barack Obama.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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