
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Review of Across the Universe

We got out with the baby last night and managed to see Across the Universe, Sony Picture’s tribute movie to the Beatles. The story centers upon three main characters, Jude, Max and Lucy, and how their lives changed in the late 1960’s in the face of the counter-culture and the Vietnam War.

Taken as a whole, the movie is a disjointed, inaccurate depiction of the 1960’s and the events of that era, and it is really difficult to care about any of the characters or what happens to them. In fact, some characters I really didn’t like. For instance, Max burns his draft notice, goes on an LSD bender, tries to lie to his induction officer that he has tumors, and ends up going to Vietnam. I found myself rooting for the VC to pump a few rounds into his chest. He makes it out okay, though. Bite me if I spoiled the move for you.

There really is no conflict in the movie for any of the characters to overcome. In fact, the worst thing that happens to any of the characters in the move is Jude gets deported. But he comes back in the next scene. Even the characters that were obviously supposed to be Janis Joplin and Jimmy Hendrix were just fine and dandy and didn’t OD on anything.

But when you get beyond the fact that the movie is pointless, what is left is brilliant, vibrant film scenes full or art and color and great music. In fact, each vignette stands out on their own as masterful music videos to some of the greatest Beatles songs of all time.

There were great surprises in the movie as well. Bono, who I really think is a pompous ass in life, gave a brilliant performance as “The Walrus,” a Timothy Leary-esque LSD guru. His singing was brilliant and his acting was pretty good too. The other great surprise was “Mr. Kite,” the sideshow circus ringleader, which was played brilliantly by Eddie Izzard.

If you are bored with the late summer lineup of movie duds, check out this movie. It makes as much sense as Pink Floyd’s the Wall, but its much more beautiful and the music is great. And its much more watchable than any movie that starred the Beatles themselves. You can see clips of the movie here.

My wife’s review: “Best Film Ever!

My 3.5-month old baby’s review? Three kicks and a thumb suck.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Review of Across the Universe

  • The babies review was probably the most accurate I will ever hear.

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