
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

ChinaCrimeEco-ReligionStupid People

Aleuts Abuse Marine Mammal Protection Act

An Alaskan Indian was found guilty of abusing the Marine Mammal Protection Act by slaughtering fur seals so he could sell the penises of the animals to Chinese kooks who believed that they have mystic boner-making properties.  Call this scenario “When Stupid Cultures Collide.”

Aluets, fat from McDonalds food and wearing Wal-Mart and Old Navy clothing, still exercise their right to slaughter seals needlessly.

From Reuters here:

An Alaska man has pleaded guilty to selling more than 100 fur seal “oosiks” — or penises — to a local gift shop that intended to sell the items as an aphrodisiac.
Michael Richard Zacharof, an Aleut and former tribal president from the Bering Sea village of St. Paul, pleaded guilty this week to one count of violating the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

Federal law forbids the sale of any raw marine mammal parts unless they have been crafted into pieces of Alaska Native artwork.

In Zacharof’s case, the former tribal leader sold the raw seal penises to a gift shop catering to customers from Asia. The shop then sold the items for about $100 each, according to the Justice Department.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrea Steward said seal penis bones, also known as seal sticks, are believed (by Chinese kooks) to have properties similar to erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra.

Zacharof faces a 20k fine and up to a year in jail.  I doubt he will do much if any time.  I’m tired of guilty white people trying to say that all cultures have as much value as other cultures.  They don’t.  I can’t figure out which is worse-  a culture that has to make furry seal trinkets, or a culture that believes eating animal cocks make you a better lover.  Both are ridiculously outdated and their beliefs have no scientific basis.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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