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Naughty Kayla, Phone Whore

A man calls a phone sex line and says, “Hey, I need to talk to a hot chick, but I don’t have a lot of cash.”

The operator says, “Hey no problem, you can try out Grindy Ginnie. She’s only 2 bucks a minute. But she used to be a heavy smoker, and now she has to give phone sex with a mechanical voice box.”

“Nah,” the man says. “I don’t have two dollars per minute. What else ya got?”

“For a buck-fifty, you can get genuine phone sex from someone who thinks they are in the Great Depression. Basically, its my Gramma, and she forgets what year it is.”

“I don’t think so,” the man says. I still don’t think that’s cheap enough. Who else you got?”

“Well…” the operator hesitated. “There’s Naughty Kayla from Knob Noster. And she’s only a buck a minute.”

“Yeah, that sounds more like it,” said the man. “What’s wrong with her?”

From NBC 4 Here:

KNOB NOSTER, Mo. — A phone sex operator said she’s owed big bucks for talking dirty.

After an online chat with friends, Janice Huge said she was recruited to do phone sex. She said she’s spent lots of time on the phone, but now she can’t get her employer to pay up.

“My name was Kayla, naughty Kayla, on the line,” Huge told KMBC-TV in Kansas City.

Huge, who is blind and has muscular dystrophy, said she was unable to work because of her disability, so she gave phone sex a try.

She said she started working for Erotic Communications in August, and so far, they haven’t paid up.

“I would take anywhere from eight to 15 calls a day,” Huge said.

She said Erotic Communications owes her about $8,000.

She said she has contacted the attorney general’s office and the FBI. Huge said she’ll never work in the phone sex industry again.

Okay. I don’t know what a “Knob Noster” is, but that’s where she lives. A fat, blind lady named Jan Huge. She gives phone sex. Ick. Maybe she’s already been paid, but just can’t see the checks? The video here shows the men locating her by the cheapest price on the website. Maybe if she got her seeing eye dog in on the act she could charge an extra 50 cents per minute.

And for those of you who will email me and say, “Pat, you are just being mean,” can save yourself the trouble. Its not like Jan Huge will read this post anyways.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Naughty Kayla, Phone Whore

  • Is it wrong that I laughed out loud when you asked, “Maybe she?s already been paid, but just can?t see the checks”? Yes, yes it is wrong. I’m going to Hell. Wait, I don’t believe in Hell. Phew!

  • You know, there were so many things that were so wrong with this story already, I just couldn?t help piling on.

    Why was I always under the impression that there was a phone sex call center somewhere, like say, in Albequerque? That’s where all the phone whores clocked in every day, took calls, ate snacks in the break room, complained about their supervisors, etc?

  • Janice Huge said she was recruited to do phone sex.


    To me, that’s the amazing part of this story.

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