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Quack Chiropractor Claimed Time Travel Healing

If he couldnt email your problems away or talk them away by phone, he said he could time travel and make the pain never happen. What an idiot. Worse are his duped customers.

From NBC4 here:

An Ohio chiropractor who claimed to treat patients using time travel has surrendered his license to practice.

State regulators had been investigating Dr. James Burda of Athens, who said he could take care of anyone, anywhere by reaching back in time to when the injury occurred.

Burda said he discovered the skill six years ago when he hurt his own foot while driving. He said he gave the pain a command to stop and it went away.

He said he doesn’t use force to realign bones, but he uses his mind to manipulate the body. But if that doesn’t work, he said he travels back in time to fix the problem. He calls the practice Bala-Keem. State medical officials call it malpractice.

Burda’s Web site offered long-distance healing service for $60 an hour.

The Ohio State Chiropractic Board accused him of being unable to practice due to mental illness. Now, in a written statement, Burda acknowledges his form of treatment was not acceptable.

Isnt being a chiropractor borderline quackery anyways? Now one of them is claiming to do long distance healing? He has a lot of made up words that form his mystic healing powers. One of them is called “bahlaqeem.” From his website here:

Bahlaqeem is a long distance healing service (not a product) to help increase the quality of your life that can be performed in the privacy of your home or other personal space. There is no need to come to my office. Best results occur when there is good communication with me by phone or email.

And its not just people he heals. From the comments section is a well written testimonial from a dog. The dog says:

“I am a 10 year old Bassett Hound and I have been in a lot of pain in my neck area. I would even wake up during the night and yowl from the pain. My owner called Jim Burda and described the way I was moping around and walking with my head down. Over the phone he was able to work on me. He found the area in my vertebrae that was out of place and was able to manipulate it into place. I am feeling much better and I hold my head up high again. There hasn t been a reason to yelp now for several weeks! Thank you.” DaisyMae

So there you go. Im a believer. Not only can he heal a dog, he can teach it to speak english and write testimonials on a webpage, all without the use of opposable thumbs!

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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