
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CyberMySpaceStupid People

Retired Police Officer Solicits Children

I guess you gotta do something in your retirement years. But I don’t think you should be trying to hook up with little kids. This bastard, Matthew Stanich, who is a retired cop, should have known this. He went by the handle of “TexasViper” on AOL. Click on this pervert’s mugshot for the video.

From here:

Man Arrested In Austin For Solicitation Of A Minor

(CBS 42) AUSTIN Police arrested a man who reportedly traveled to Austin to have sex with an underage teen victim met on the Internet.

Police say the online chats lasted for months.

He wanted to spoil this teenager, take her shopping, buy her nice things,” Austin police detective Trent Watts said.

The alleged sexual predator carefully groomed his young victim for a face-to-face visit.

If an individual like that meets with an underage child we never know what will happen next, you have to assume the worst,” Watts said.

In this case the underage girl was actually an undercover police officer.

When Matthew Joseph Stanich, 47, drove to Austin from Houston and showed up at this North Austin restaurant, his dreams of cyber-sex with a 14-year-old girl ended with a trip to jail.

The so-called 28-year-old Texas Viper was arrested and charged with criminal solicitation of a minor.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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