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Grenade Plus Sledgehammer Equals


An idiot worker in a mechanical shop tried to open up a rocket propelled grenade with a sledgehammer. I somehow dont think that was the proper tool. He blows up his shop. The cars lining the street outside catch fire. But who was stupider? The mechanic, or his buddy that was crazy enough to work along side him?

No, not Peter Gabriel’s sledghammer. From Reuters here:

Man dies opening grenade with sledgehammer

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (Reuters) – A Brazilian man died on Tuesday when he tried to open what police believe was a rocket-propelled grenade with a sledgehammer in a mechanical workshop on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.

Another man who was in the workshop at the time of the explosion was rushed to a hospital with severe burns, a police officer told Reuters. The workshop was destroyed and several cars parked outside caught fire.

Police found several unexploded army issue rocket-propelled grenades in the workshop. They believe the ammunition had been brought there by scavengers wanting to sell them as scrap metal.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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