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Knut is Kaput

Knut the polar bear, beloved by the Germans, and once featured in Vanity Fair being cuddled by Leonardo DiCaprio, choked to death in his own pen on a plastic spork in front of 700 adoring fans.

From MSNBC here:

Berlin’s beloved polar bear Knut, who rose to stardom when he was hand-raised by zoo keepers after being rejected by his mother at birth, died on Saturday.

The world-famous bear died alone in his compound. A post mortem will be conducted on Monday to try pinpoint his cause of death, he said. Between 600 and 700 people were at Knut’s compound and saw the four-year-old bear die.

And as a reminder, zoo policy says no ticket refunds if the star captive critter shuffles off the mortal coil. One thing for sure- it wasn’t global warming that killed the stupid bear. Maybe it was the sting of not having been loved by its mother? Dennis Miller reports:

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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