
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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Julie Pritchett Raped Whole School

This disgusting teacher went on a fury of rape and sodomy and banged every boy in Clay-Chalkville Middle School in Trussville, Alabama. I guess she was real itchy up inside and could only scratch that itch with the boners of 15 year old boys.

Okay, she didn’t rape the whole school. Just the two percent that comprised the entire baseball team.

From the DailyMail here:

A teacher has been accused of having sex with eight members of a school baseball team.

Julie Pritchett began a relationship with a 15-year-old boy in February. The 34-year-old married teacher later approached other members of the team for sex.

The incidents allegedly took place both on school premises and at the boys’ homes while their parents were out.

She was discovered when one of the 15-year-old boys at the school, in the town of Trussville, Alabama, told his parents. They alerted the police.

Pritchett, who taught special education Clay-Chalkville Middle School, has been charged with two counts of sedomy and one count of sexual abuse.

She faces 20 years in jail if convicted of the sex abuse offences.

I wonder if her husband will divorce her now that he found out he was only pinch hitting for the school baseball team.

I guess Julie Pritchett really wanted all the players to score a home run.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Julie Pritchett Raped Whole School

  • Trussville is about a 25 minute drive from my house. I live in a different suburb of B’ham. I get why 15 year old boys would want to do the hot teacher but, what’s up with all these married teachers wanting to do the 15 year olds? Has this always been happening or do these teachers see other teachers on the news and think, “Hey, why don’t I give it a try”?

  • I think its always been happening to an extent- we just hear about it due to the magic of the interwebs. But there is also a rampant attitude that there is no right or wrong among educators.

  • Good point….the unforseen consequences of nonjudgementalism and subjective morals which are rampant in government schools.

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