
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeCyberHumorStupid People

OWS Crying Crocodile Tears Over Smashed Laptops Built by Corporations

Haven’t done a story on retarded OWSers in a while so here goes. After the police de-funkified Zuccotti park, they wrapped up all the piss-covered detritus that was left behind and put it in the dump. Including laptops and a mast used for wireless access. The owner of that equipment is completely butthurt because the sanitation department destroyed stuff he left behind after being arrested for breaking the law.

From Motherboard here:

…Isaac Wilder, head of the Free Network Foundation, late Thursday morning. Wilder, who we first met on Day 3 of the occupation, is an integral part of OWS’ Signal Corps, a working group that had been dedicated to providing free Wi-Fi to demonstrators within Zuccotti. During the raid, all of Wilder’s stuff, including the FNF’s Freedom Tower, a thin, maybe nine-foot-tall pole, loaded on all sides with nondescript routers that had been beaming out wireless access since early on in the occupation, was confiscated not long after he and another 200 or so protestors were hauled away (in garbage trucks) after barricading themselves in the middle of the park.

And so now, Wilder’s looking for his backpack, and his Freedom Tower. And $5000 in cash. This is all the money he has.

After about 30 minutes he sends us a text: “no sign of tower or backpack.” When he finally surfaces after another 30 minutes, descending a staircase into the howling, drabish underpass, the face gives it away.

Wilder hasn’t slept much in the last 36 hours. He looks shelled, haggard. No backpack. No cash. No tower.

Worse, it was as if someone along the way purposefully destroyed all confiscated electronics, a strategic smashing of at least part of the digital record logged by full-on occupiers. “They’ve all been smashed with bats.”

Smelly hippies protesting corporate greed should be smashing their own laptops. And if he’s lost sleep after being arrested, he should join the military to know what its really like to go without sleep and have a true “shelled” feeling. Laptops smashed? Good, now go home and beg Mommy to let you see Santa and ask him for a new laptop. And get a bath while you’re there, you stink.

And pissed because you lost your cash? Stupid hippie, that’s what banks are for.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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