
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Creepy Stare-Down Clown

A creepy clown is terrifying a UK town by simply standing on his sidewalk and glaring at people driving and walking by. And of course, people want this to stop.


From BelfastTelegraph here:

A creepy and anonymous clown has been terrifying residents of Northampton by standing around on street corners and staring at passers-by.

The clown, who bears a striking resemblance to Pennywise from the 1990 film It, adapted from the Stephen King novel of the same name, first appeared on Friday 13th and was spotted again over the weekend.

According to the Northampton Herald and Post the clown has appeared in several locations in the Abington and Kingsley areas of the town. On each sighting, he or she has worn the same white face makeup, red wig, all-in-one suit and oversized bowtie.

He is also sometimes seen carrying a clown teddy.

The newspaper also reports that the clown knocked on someone’s door and offered to paint their window sills despite having no painting equipment. She reported the men to police for their suspicious behaviour stating they looked like clowns.

People say they are afraid of the Zombie apocalypse. Zombies of course, don’t exist. But clowns do. Imagine your town suddenly overrun by creepy clowns.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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