
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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Idiot Libs Fear Fracking Might Spoil Beer

Arguing with liberals always makes my head hurt because libs ignore science and facts, and completely toss logic out the window. Case in point was when movie director Judd Apatow retweeted an ignorant idea that beer breweries might not be able to get clean water for beer because of fracking, the hydraulic process that breaks shale rock kilometers beneath the earth and any water tables to release natural gas.

A great example of how fracking works is courtesy of the scishow on Youtube:

And now the idiotic tweets- liberals think that fracking might permanently spoil any usable water supply for a brewing company, because even if a brewery gets its water from shale deposits, which they dont- filters simply would be unable to purify or clean the water.


And then Marcia Gaines, an account manager in Texas who works with the company who made the Remedy Ticketing System, blocked me. When logic fails liberals, they just put their fingers in their ears and scream louder.

Breweries get their water from city sources or, if you believe Coors, from mountain streams. They don’t drill for water. And regardless where the water comes from, breweries filter their water- something completely inconceivable to liberals, who think water is a finite, limited resource. Let a scientist explain:

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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