
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

MoviesPoliticsStupid People

Demand a Plan Now: Ban Hollywood Hypocrites From Using Weapons in Movies

This is a powerful and hilarious message to the Hollywood elites who think they can continue to make sleazy films depicting gore, violence and guns who are now telling us to demand a plan to stop violent rampages like Sandy Hook and Columbine.

Every one of those mass shooters likely saw one or more of these same Hollywood elites gunning someone down on the big screen in a glorious spray of blood and hot lead. The video’s message is right. Tell Hollywood Celebrities to go fuck themselves. A great comment from the video:

It’s easy as fuck to say people shouldn’t have guns when you’re so filthy disgustingly rich you can afford a small army of armed security to watch every shit you take. Fuck you Hollywood and fuck your hypocrisy.?

And if these Obama voters, which they are, one and all, were so concerned about “demanding a plan” to stop violence, why did they remain so mute for the past four years, and especially when the Democrats controlled both houses? They could have gotten a plan then, but instead we got Obamacare.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Demand a Plan Now: Ban Hollywood Hypocrites From Using Weapons in Movies

  • Dr. Evil

    Love this! I will never understand what possesses these self-absorbed morons to believe anybody wants to hear what they have to say about any social issue.

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