
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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Sheryl Crow Blames Her Tumor on Cell Phones

Boy, that Sheryl Crow sure is a scientific and ecological genius. Plus she can sing and strum a 6 string! One she said she only uses a single square of toilet paper to save the rain forest or something. Now she is claiming that her brain tumor was caused my magical tumor-causing cellphone radiation!

From k104 here:

In June, Sheryl Crow made news when she admitted that she had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Though, she was quick to let her fans know it was benign and she was doing just fine, she’s now talking more candidly about what she thinks was the cause of the tumor.

While speaking with Katie Couric, Sheryl said she thought her tumor was caused by cell phone radiation.

“I do have the theory that it’s possible that’s it’s related to that,” she said. “I used to spend hours on the old archaic cell phones.”

She also admitted that there were no doctors who would confirm her suspicions even though she felt she had adequate reasons to back up her claims, explaining that her tumor was in the part of her brain where she often held her phone.

Now I know what you are saying- “This woman is amazing and obviously smarter than doctors, including oncologists!” but you’d be wrong. So in addition to using less toilet paper, she will start wearing tin foil hats to dampen the radiation.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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