
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CyberObamaPoliticsStupid People

Moonbat Congressman Grills NSA Chief About “President Cheney’s Hunting Accident”

Hank Johnson, a Democrat and moonbat from the state of Georgia has some serious fantasy and paranoia issues. His committee called the NSA Chief and CYBERCOM commander General Keith Alexander to answer about their abilities to monitor US Communications. Watch as he drills Alexander about his own paranoid fantasy of the evil President Dick Cheney who wants to “detain and incessantly waterboard every American who sent an email” about his hunting accident. What the hell is wrong with these leftists? One terrorist was waterboarded twice and he coughed up all kinds of intelligence. And to leftists, this equates to Dick Cheney and Halliburton torturing every American over email messages? Disgusting.

The story is from Wired, who relies on some retarded uninformed whistle-blower who says that the NSA has all this wiretapping infrastructure. There is nothing newsworthy from Ryan Singel’s news article to quote, but there is something meaty in the comments which is far more accurate about the NSA’s capabilities- Sean Bauer wrote:

I have an insider at NSA as well. My father has worked at Ft. Meade for 43 years, and is getting ready to retire this year. He was the Director of Linguistics for the Russian Department throughout the 80’s & 90’s. After 9/11 he was asked to head the newly formed Department assigned to track-down and sieze Al Qaeda money world wide. He has spent the past 10 years in that position. His days are spent analyzing network traffic, tapping bank accounts, writing reports, and obtaining court authorizations. Needless to say, I have heard my fair share of stories regarding NSA. My father has always been open and honest with me regarding his work. While I’m sure he leaves out many details, he has always answered my questions knowledgeably and with enthusiasm.

Contrary to popular belief, NSA does not currently have the capacity to monitor all network traffic world wide, nor will it in the future. The best they can muster is to focus on certain regions, networks and individuals. Through other means of intelligence gathering NSA is able to narrow it’s focus, and in turn better utilize their much restricted resources. Even the new Data Center will not be enough to monitor all world wide traffic. People simply don’t realize what an astronomical feat that entails. My father tells me it would take a lot more than 1 Data Center to filter all traffic. With that said, here’s a quote my father said to me recently: “Why on Earth would NSA want to spend valuable resources monitoring your sexting in the first place? We are FAR SMARTER than you give us credit for. NSA doesn’t need to monitor “everything”. Paranoia fuels that fallacy.”

In regards to the “Secret Courts” (It is located at Ft. Meade headqaurters by the way. I guess it’s not so secret any more). It is true NSA had free reign during the Bush administration. My father was able to obtain any authorization he needed, without a court order. The court was pretty much non functional during that period. However, when Obama took office all that changed. My father now has to go before the court on a regular basis. He even complains he has to go to work early so he can make sure he has everything in order for the court that day. He mentions how strict they have become and finds it much harder to obtain authorizations. The days of free reign are no longer common practice at NSA according to my father. Yes, a few extremest Americans are monitored, but only under extreme circumstances and careful scrutiny by the Court. The idea all Americans are being monitored and indiscriminately targeted is another NSA fallacy fueled by paranoia.

If you think Dick Cheney is trying to read your emails, you might be a liberal.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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