
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionPoliticsStupid People

Ancient Jews Carried Golden Calf Too

I love it when Liberals acknowledge biblical symbolism– and as always, they only do so to push their own leftist agenda. Godless heathens in their own right, they love to spout that Jesus said not to judge wicked people, when in fact, he did not- and they love to worship golden calves when it suits their purposes.

And today they march on the rich to terrorize them and attempt to steal their wealth for their own:

Mobs always gather and demand violence and will not disperse until blood is shed. That is the simplest explanation why the mobs of OccupyWallStreet are persisting- no one has died yet. So whatever happened to the jews that worshipped the golden calf? They were forcefed gold and none of them ever reached the promised land.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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