
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

failObamaRoPStupid People

Idiot Muslims With Free Healthcare Would Rather Sit on Railroad Tracks

Meet Abdul Rachman. He, like most of his Muslim countrymen, are poorly educated rubes who can barely understand modern technology, much less biology. He claims to be achy so he treats his arthritis by laying down on the railroad tracks near his home because “imaginary electricity” from a passing train makes him feel better.

From the LATimes here:

Each afternoon, Abdul Rachman indulges in his favorite way to reduce the stresses of the working world: He sits on the railway tracks not far from home.

Rachman, a 32-year-old security guard, has suffered from rheumatism and fatigue. “People can say what they want. I do it because I want to be cured.”

Rachman is among scores of advocates of railway “electric therapy,” a treatment some Indonesians believe cures such ailments as strokes, asthma, high blood pressure and rheumatism, not to mention a hard day at the office.

Believers say that as trains pass on adjacent racks, they administer a string of low-voltage electric shocks that jolt away whatever ails people. So far, at least, officials say, no one has been struck by trains.

In the world’s most-populous Muslim-majority nation, many practice a form of Islam that is mixed with superstition and traditional beliefs, including voodoo-like treatments to ward off spells and illnesses.

Although everyone is entitled to free healthcare, many get fed up with the bureaucracy of obtaining the services. Rachman, who earns $120 a month, is one of them.

“You have to pay to go to the doctor, but here it’s free,” he said. “You can come whenever you want, morning or afternoon, and you can stay all day.”

Smart bunch of people over there. And Obama, who came from Indonesia, wants to model our healthcare after what he saw in his homeland. But I think getting Muslims to sit on railroad tracks is an outstanding idea, and one that I will gladly encourage.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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