
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

failPoliticsStupid PeopleTravel

TSA Agents are Retards: Checking Diapers for Bombs

I have said it so many times, but it bears repeating: TSA Agents are retarded. They should qualify for special assistance, oh wait, they get paid gobs of money by us tax payers to stand around barking useless orders at airports. And it looks like they are now giving rectal exams to infants. If you wear the blue uniform of a TSA agent, this post is meant for you. You are a retard. You have no shame and no real purpose in life.

Why don’t these retarded citizens go get helpful jobs like sorting broken glass in recycling centers? Or be those guys who stand around holding giant arrow signs pointing to places of business? Or pick up litter on the highway? These guys in the video below get tired of holding signs, so they trade in their placards for a blue TSA uniform and scowl of disdain for the American traveler.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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