
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Teresa Lewis Should Fry

Virginia doesn’t use the electric chair much anymore and that’s too bad. Because Teresa Lewis should really have the opportunity to have her evil twat sizzle on the electric chair.

I haven’t followed this woman’s case, but now that her death is imminent, you have all the bleeding hearts out to prolong her miserable mistake of an existence. Columnist Mary Shaffrey writes here:

Teresa Lewis is not a very nice person. She has no endearing qualities. Even though her IQ is in question, she will tell you what she did was horribly wrong. She knows and understands this.

But unless Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell commutes her sentence or the U.S. Supreme Court steps in, on Sept. 23 Lewis will become the first woman since 2005 to be executed in the United Sdtates, and the first in Virginia since 1912.

The facts are pretty clear. Lewis met accomplices at Wal-Mart and convinced them to kill her husband and stepson. For this, they received money, as well as sex from her, and perhaps her underage daughter. The motive was even more money, a $250,000 life insurance policy. After the gunmen left, with her husband wailing, she waited nearly an hour to call 911. Before he died, he told investigators his wife knew who did it.

The co-conspirators who physically shot and killed the men received life in prison. One has since committed suicide. Lewis, who did not pull the trigger, received the death penalty.

NYDailyNews corrects Shaffrey’s mistaken payout. They say this skanky bitch was going to get 350,000 dollars on the hit.

Shaffrey goes on to say that if Governor Bob McDonnell was really a pro-lifer he would spare this woman’s life. He is pro life. Especially for those lives of people murdered by filthy greedy whores. Governor McDonnell should grant Teresa Lewis the same clemency she granted her husband and stepson.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

17 thoughts on “Teresa Lewis Should Fry

  • Angry Scot

    You are disgusting and the state of Virginia is BACKWARD! Teresa Lewis will go down as being MURDERED by WHITE, CHRISTIAN, MISOGYNISTIC IDIOTS! America is full of them and they are equally as bad as fundamental Muslims. You are ignorant! You are not even worth these words. SADO.

  • Angry Scot, your country won’t punish crime at all. You put a terrorist in jail for murdering 300 people for the Lockerbie Pan Am flight 103 and not only refuse to execute him, but let him go home free just a few years into his sentence. You and your country pretended he was sick when you knew he wasn’t and sent him home to Libya. In exchange for lucrative oil drilling contracts for BP.

    You and your homeland are backwards. Mine is teh awesome.

  • Angry Scot

    What a load of shit you talk! He was an innocent man and you are ignorant because you don’t even know what your own backward country gets up to. You should be looking closer to home for the culprits responsible for the Lockerbie disaster!! Duh!!

  • Angry Scot

    Who owns BP? BP is Britain’s oldest oil company founded more than 100 years ago. But who owns it?

    BP’s shareholder base is a mixture of large institutional shareholders and small retail investors. Many of the larger ones are pension funds attracted by its reliable, high dividend. In fact, one in every six British pounds paid from FTSE 100 companies in dividends comes from BP. But it’s not just British investors with an interest in the oil giant. Around 40pc are from the UK and 40pc from the US. The NEW chief executive will be Bob Dudley – A NEW YORKER!!

    So LISTEN TO THIS But just how British is BP? Obviously it’s listed in London. And it’s got a British CEO. But BP employs 23,000 people in the US, compared to 10,000 UK workers. Around 40 per cent of BP’s shares are held in the UK. But around the same proportion is held in the US. And a glance at BP’s 2009 report (p29)shows that 26 per cent of BP’s crude oil production comes from the US (665,000 barrels a day out of 2,535,000 globally). A similar proportion of BP’s natural gas comes from the US. And 18 per cent of its oil is sold in the US too. And BP’s entire US operation is largely an inheritance from the 1998 merger with Amoco under Lord Browne.

    So we have a company with a large number of American workers, a large number of American owners, which sells American oil and gas to American customers, which is being attacked by an American president for polluting the American coastline.


  • Angry Scot

    Another thing – who pulled the trigger? It wasn’t Teresa Lewis. Your justice system is no better than the Taleban. Did you hear about the poor pregnant woman in Afghanistan who was whipped 200 times and then shot in the head? The Taleban accused her of having an ‘illicit affair’. The man who played a part in this so-called illicit affair was not punished.

    Their religion is about blaming the woman. The woman is always held responsible. I would not be surprised if the Judge involved in the Teresa Lewis case are fundamental Christians. This religion is also about blaming the woman. It is misogynistic. Teresa Lewis will not go down as an executed murderess. She will go down as the victim of an American misogynistic fundamental Christian society.

    She did not carry out the murder of her husband and step-son. She did not hold a gun to the heads of the other two men involved and tell them to pull the trigger and even if she had they were the ones who carried it out. They did it of their own free will. It is strange how in 2010 the woman is still being blamed for the crimes of man. Teresa Lewis was murdered by the state of Virginia for apparently being the head of the serpent. The Judge sounds like a preacher to me. Teresa will die because she is deemed the mastermind, the EVE. I know exactly how such fundamental Christian men think!

    Who puts a SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD BLACK kid to death in the ELECTRIC CHAIR? White, Christian, RACIST, Misogynistic idiots! This kid was MURDERED by racists. I don’t care what you say to justify it.

    Where is the sense in putting someone to death, especially someone so YOUNG? Oh sorry I forgot that in your country you beat SATAN out of your kids!

    The death penalty is just simple REVENGE. Vengence. Life in prison gives the person the chance to come to terms with what they have done and perhaps we can learn from them why they did what they did.

  • Teresa is dead already dude, and I took her remaining carbon credits as salvage. I use it to burn copies of the koran.

    Nice to see that you equate cheating on a spouse to be the equivalence of hiring two strangers to murder your husband and letting the murderers have sex with your daughter. Yeah, same thing isn’t it?

    It must be tough for someone like you to go through life always being on the opposite side of anything good, successful and right. Keep blinding yourself to the truth and making everything morally equivalent. You side with known terrorists who blow up airliners- and despite a conviction in your courts with evidence saying Megrahi did it, you declare him innocent. That’s blinding yourself, and its stupid. And then you equate my justice system with the taleban when you yourself support known terrorists? I laugh at you.

  • Angry Scot

    Oh and what about Teresa Lewis’s DAUGHTER, SON AND GRANDSON? That’s right, just go ahead and say it’s ok to create more victims!! She MURDERED two people so she deserves to fry. Oh but wait! She didn’t actually PULL THE TRIGGER!! And she didn’t actually fry as she was MURDERED by lethal injection!!

  • Angry Scot

    I laugh back at you! And for your knowledge I am a white 34 year old female!! Not a DUDE. I think in describing me you describe yourself!! I think you are too ready to believe what you are told and incapable of searching for other viewpoints and making up your own mind. You are BRAINWASHED! Good luck to you MORON!

  • Angry Scot

    Perhaps I ought to take the American flag, wrap it around a Bible and set it alight!!

  • Go ahead. No one will try to kill you for that or do anything more than call you an ass. But do it with a Koran if you want to make a real statement. And of course it’s way easier to get a US flag in your country than the Union Jack.

    And of course you are white. You said you were a scot. If your handle was angry fish I would assume you were wet. Scots are white. Being female does explain the shrill hysteria.

    You know being bitter like that is pure penis repellent right? Put on some lipstick and learn to bake and maybe you can get a real man.

  • Angry Scot

    Ho,ho, ho, hee, hee, hee

  • Robb

    Drop the Scot part. You are most assuredly not a real Scot. Regardless of where you live! You, are nothing more than a lonely, pathetic Ill informed douche destined to jump from a bridge or high rise building… And still, no one will notice. Pat, I lay ribs on these carbon credits!!! I have a feeling that it’s a gold mine due to a heavy intake of “Iasg agus Tiops”!!

  • Angry Scot

    Robb- stop talking about yourself!!

  • Angry Scot

    Maybe I am a Scot in the Army serving in Afghanistan!?! Maybe me and my mates are having a right old rip about this site.We reckon you are spotty teenagers sitting in your room woth nothing better to do but promote HATE on the internet. Did mummy spank you too much? Did Dddy not care? Awwww

  • But you aren’t in Afghanistan. Why would you claim that? You hate the war anyway I’m sure.


    You are the weakest link…GOODBYE!

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