
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeRoPStupid Peopleterror

Crippled Chechen Muslim Boxer Blows Up Hotel Bathtub

A one legged muslim man blew up a Copenhagen hotel bathtub in the name of Allah. He did it because he was mad about newspapers who drew cartoons of their pedophile prophet.

Everyone Draw Muhammad, originally uploaded by BelchSpeak.

From the AP here:

A one-legged Chechen boxer injured in an explosion at a Copenhagen hotel was preparing a letter bomb, likely intended for a Danish newspaper that published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, police said Friday.

The device went off as the man was assembling it in a hotel bathroom on Sept. 10. The suspect received cuts to his face and no one else was injured.

“We’re dealing with a letter bomb. The bomb was completed. Apparently it was of a low-technology type, with a highly explosive substance inside,” Foldager told reporters in Copenhagen. “It was filled with small steel pellets to create injuries.”

He said the device contained triacetone triperoxide, or TATP, which served as a detonator for the bombs used by terrorists in the 2005 London bombings that killed 52 people.

“We consider it likely that it was Jyllands-Posten in Aarhus that was the target,” Foldager said, referring to the Danish daily whose 12 cartoons of Muhammad sparked fiery riots in Muslim countries in 2006.

Muslims seem to get so angry that their heads explode. No, that’s not accurate. They make bombs to kill people and often explode themselves because Allah doesn’t like Muslims either.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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