
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

DistractionsfailStupid People

Discovery Channel EcoTerrorist Hated Jon and Kate

Deranged Hawaiian James Lee hated Jon and Kate Gosselin because they represented the celebration of breeding. So he was angry enough to take a starter pistol to the headquarters of the Discovery Channel and commit suicide (Lulzicide) by sniper.

From the AP here:

As the three hostages at Discovery Channel’s headquarters appeared ready to make a run for it, police said Thursday that a SWAT team officer quickly shot and killed the increasingly agitated gunman who had explosives strapped to himself, ending the four-hour standoff.

After several hours of negotiations, the tactical officers moved in. Authorities saw the hostages begin to move on building security cameras and heard a “pop” they believed to be a gunshot or an explosive device. That’s when an officer shot the gunman, James J. Lee, in the lobby head.

Lee had said he hated the company’s shows such as “Kate Plus 8,” claiming they promoted population growth. Lee said the environmental programming did little to save the planet.

Wow, TV critics have it tough these days. For the record I only think Mady is an evil bitch.

That’s Mady on the bottom right, shooting laserbeams of pure evil and hatred from her eyeslits toward the rest of her family.

The rest of Kate’s brood is just fine, but please don’t shoot me for thinking Mady is the estrogen deprived antichrist please!

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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